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Showing results 1 to 20 of 73  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-1+1 is more than 2 – The many benefits of team-teaching!Custodio Espinar, Magdalena; Strotmann, Birgit
25AICLE: Enfoque alternativo para el desarrollo del vocabulario en el aula de español como lengua extranjera.Custodio Espinar, Magdalena
17-May-2023Analysing Physical Appearance in the Pre-primary CLIL ClassroomCustodio Espinar, Magdalena
1Appendix C. Lesson planning: CLIL Young learner lesson.Custodio Espinar, Magdalena
1Are Accredited Teachers Equally Trained for CLIL? The CLIL Teacher Paradox.Custodio Espinar, Magdalena
-Attention to diversity in higher education: A Co-teaching experienceBuckingham Reynolds, Lyndsay Renee; Custodio Espinar, Magdalena; López Hernández, Alfonso
8-Sep-2021Attention to diversity in higher education: A Co-teaching experienceLópez Hernández, Alfonso; Buckingham Reynolds, Lyndsay Renee; Custodio Espinar, Magdalena
8Attention to diversity in higher education:A Co-teaching experienceLópez Hernández, Alfonso; Buckingham Reynolds, Lyndsay Renee; Custodio Espinar, Magdalena
29-Oct-2021Autoevaluación y observación: Una propuesta para promover la formación del docente AICLE en Educación InfantilCustodio Espinar, Magdalena; Gómez Cortés, José Antonio
15-Jan-2023Beyond Written-Linguistic Modes of Meanings: Multimodal Representations to Extend the Range of Literacy Learning in EMI StudentsLópez Hernández, Alfonso; Custodio Espinar, Magdalena
18-Jun-2024El binomio STEM-CLIL: Estudio piloto sobre la transversalidad metodológica en la formación inicial de docentes para la educación bilingüe = The STEM-CLIL binomial: A Pilot study on methodological transversality in initial teacher training for bilingual educationMartín Carrasquilla, Olga; Custodio Espinar, Magdalena
1-Sep-2019CLIL Teacher Education in SpainCustodio Espinar, Magdalena
5-Mar-2021CLIL Teacher’s Initial Education: A Study of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Student TeachersGutiérrez Gamboa, Mónica; Custodio Espinar, Magdalena
1-Dec-2016CLIL, TIC e innovación en la enseñanza bilingüe de las etapas obligatoriasCustodio Espinar, Magdalena; Caballero-García, Presentación
1-Jan-2022CLILing EMI for Effective Mediation in the L2 in Pre-service Teacher Education: A Case Study at a Spanish UniversityCustodio Espinar, Magdalena; López Hernández, Alfonso
-La codocencia reflexiva en la educación superiorStrotmann, Birgit; Custodio Espinar, Magdalena
18La codocencia reflexiva en la educación superiorStrotmann, Birgit; Custodio Espinar, Magdalena
18La codocencia reflexiva en la educación superiorStrotmann, Birgit; Custodio Espinar, Magdalena
18La codocencia reflexiva en la educación superior.Strotmann, Birgit; Custodio Espinar, Magdalena
-Collaborative Competence in Pre-Service Teacher Training: A Team Teaching ExperienceLópez Hernández, Alfonso; Buckingham Reynolds, Lyndsay Renee; Custodio Espinar, Magdalena