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Showing results 1 to 20 of 44  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Mar-2024Abandoned vs. regenerated places: Evidence of five social impacts that improve urban planningEscolá Gascon, Alex; Dagnall, Neil; Drinkwater, Kenneth; Denovan, Andrew
5-Feb-2021Beliefs and opinions about the existence of life outside the earth: The UFO Experiences Questionnaire (UFO-Q)Escolá Gascon, Alex; O’Neill, Mary; Gallifa, Josep
1-Jun-2023Bias analysis in forensic and non-forensic psychiatric assessmentsEscolá Gascon, Alex; Dagnall, Neil; Drinkwater, Kenneth
22-Nov-2023Cogniciones anómalas: Los «nuevos» experimentos del proyecto Stargate de la CIAEscolá Gascon, Alex
6-Dec-2021Critical thinking predicts reductions in Spanish physicians’ stress levels and promotes fake news detectionEscolá Gascon, Alex; Dagnall, Neil; Gallifa, Josep
1-Nov-2022Cross-cultural analysis of a new indicator which measures the degree of Islamophobia social awarenessEscolá Gascon, Alex; Diez Bosch, Miriam; Micó Sanz, Josep Lluis
15Estadística EmpresarialBorrás Palá, Francisco; Álvarez Fernández, Carlos; Angulo Martínez, María del Mar; Barcos Redín, Lucía; Borrás Palá, Francisco; Curto González, Tomás; Escobar Torres, Leandro Sergio; Escolá Gascón, Alex; Garrido Merchán, Eduardo César; Ortiz Lozano, José María; Rúa Vieites, Antonio; Sáiz de Bustamante Pérez, Bárbara; , Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos
2Estadística EmpresarialBorrás Palá, Francisco; Álvarez Fernández, Carlos; Angulo Martínez, María del Mar; Barcos Redín, Lucía; Borrás Palá, Francisco; Curto González, Tomás; Escobar Torres, Leandro Sergio; Escolá Gascón, Alex; García Vázquez, Olaya; Macías Fassio, Eric; Ortiz Lozano, José María; Rúa Vieites, Antonio; Sáiz de Bustamante Pérez, Bárbara; , Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos
1-Jul-2023Evidence of environmental urban design parameters that increase and reduce sense of place in Barcelona (Spain)Escolá Gascon, Alex; Dagnall, Neil; Denovan, Andrew; Alsina Pagès, Rosa Maria; Freixes, Marc
1-Sep-2024Evidence of phenotypes and dissociative diagnostic markers for demonic possession syndromeEscolá Gascon, Alex; Dagnall, Neil; Drinkwater, Kenneth
1-Jan-2021Evidence of the psychological effects of pseudoscientific information about COVID-19 on rural and urban populationsEscolá Gascon, Alex; Marín i Torné, Francesc-Xavier; Rusiñol, Jordi; Gallifa, Josep
23-Dec-2021Executive Functioning: Assessing the Role of Perceived Paranormal AbilityDrinkwater, Kenneth Graham; Dagnall, Neil; Denovan, Andrew; Parker, Andrew; Escolá Gascon, Alex
1-Nov-2022'Feeling' or 'sensing' the future? Testing for anomalous cognitions in clinical versus healthy populationsEscolá Gascon, Alex; Wright, Abigail C.; Houran,, James
3-Jun-2023Follow-up on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) remote viewing experimentsEscolá Gascon, Alex; Houran,, James; Dagnall,, Neil; Drinkwater, Kenneth; Denovan, Andrew
1-Mar-2022Forced-choice experiment on Anomalous Information Reception and correlations with states of consciousness using the Multivariable Multiaxial Suggestibility Inventory-2 (MMSI-2)Escolá Gascon, Alex
1-Dec-2022Global evidence of environmental and lifestyle effects on medical expenditures across 154 countriesEscolá Gascon, Alex; Micó Sanz, Josep Lluis; Casero Ripollés, Andreu
22-Mar-2022Handbook of Statistics: Step by Step Mathematical SolutionsEscolá Gascon, Alex
1-Sep-2022How to measure soft skills in the educational context: psychometric properties of the SKILLS-in-ONE questionnaireEscolá Gascon, Alex; Gallifa, Josep
1-Feb-2022Impact of conspiracist ideation and psychotic-like experiences in patients with schizophrenia during the COVID-19 crisisEscolá Gascon, Alex
1-Aug-2024Impact of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) on air safety: Evidence from Airbus® TCAS/ROSE simulatorsEscolá Gascon, Alex; Dagnall, Neil; Denovan, Andrew; Drinkwater, Kenneth