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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Análisis biomecánico de la pirueta “en dehors”. Pierna dominante versus no dominante en bailarinesGarcía González, Adela; Fidalgo Herrera, Alberto Javier; Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Escuela Universiaria de Enfermería Y Fisioterapia
17Artificial intelligence prediction of the effect of rehabilitation in whiplash-associated disorderFidalgo Herrera, Alberto Javier; Martínez Beltrán, María Jesús; de la Torre Montero, Julio César; Moreno Ruiz, Jose Andrés; Barton, Gabor
5-Sep-2023Biomechanical analysis of barefoot walking and three different sports footwear in children aged between 4 and 6 years oldRodríguez López, Noelia; Martínez Gómez, Rafael; Mínguez Valderrama, Mar; García González, Adela; de la Torre Montero, Julio César; Pérez-Somarriba Moreno, Álvaro; Fidalgo Herrera, Alberto Javier; Fernandes Ribeiro, Ana Sofía; López Moreno, Carlos; Martínez Beltrán, María Jesús
9Improving the staging of neck injuries using a new index, the Neck Functional Holistic Analysis Score: Clustering approach to determine degrees of impairmentFidalgo Herrera, Alberto Javier; Jové Blanco, Carlos; Martínez Beltrán, María Jesús; Moreno Ruiz, Jose Antonio; de la Torre Montero, Julio César
26P 124 - Normative data to assess the degree of normality in the cervical spine movement replacing the outdated AMA guidelines. Preliminary results.Fidalgo Herrera, Alberto Javier; Martínez Beltrán, María Jesús; García González, Adela; de la Torre Montero, Julio César
9Proposal of an Alternative to the AMA Guidelines for the Evaluation of the Cervical ROMMartínez Beltrán, María Jesús; Fidalgo Herrera, Alberto Javier; Moreno Ruiz, Jose Antonio; de la Torre Montero, Julio César
1Report on the frontal and transverse plane range of motion of the hip during the "en dehors pirouette" in pre-profesional dancers.Fidalgo Herrera, Alberto Javier; García González, Adela; París Zamora, Irene; Pérez Mallada, Néstor; Lerma Lara, Sergio