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Showing results 1 to 20 of 42  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16Business English: Communication Skills (B2)Lausell Melón, Victor; McGuinness, Julie; Simpson, Karen Lee; Lausell Melón, Victor; McGuinness, Julie; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Simpson, Karen Lee; Taghavi, Simone; , Instituto de Idiomas Modernos
6Business English: Communication Skills (B2)Lausell Melón, Victor; Simpson, Karen Lee; Lausell Melón, Victor; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Simpson, Karen Lee; Taghavi, Simone; , Instituto de Idiomas Modernos
29Business English: Communication Skills (B2)Lausell Melón, Victor; McGuinness, Julie; Simpson, Karen Lee; Lausell Melón, Victor; McGuinness, Julie; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Simpson, Karen Lee; , Instituto de Idiomas Modernos
13English for Engineers I (C1.1)Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Barrio Lamarche, Daniel Javier; Hubbard, Glenn Donald; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Szczerbik, Carrie Ellen; Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Barrio Lamarche, Daniel Javier; Hubbard, Glenn Donald; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Szczerbik, Carrie Ellen; , Instituto de Idiomas Modernos
6English for Engineers I (C1.1)Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Barrio Lamarche, Daniel Javier; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Szczerbik, Carrie Ellen; Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Barrio Lamarche, Daniel Javier; Bounds, Martin Laurence; Chartier, Christelle Caroline; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Smith, Brian James; Szczerbik, Carrie Ellen; Wilkinson, Ruth Gillian; , Asignaturas Grado/Máster ICAI - organizadas otros centros
5English for Engineers II (B2.2)Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Hubbard, Glenn Donald; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Szczerbik, Carrie Ellen; Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Hubbard, Glenn Donald; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Saint Lary, Patricio Nicolás; Szczerbik, Carrie Ellen; , Instituto de Idiomas Modernos
15English for Health Sciences I (C1)Holland, Jonathan Peter; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Instituto de Idiomas Modernos, Instituto de Idiomas Modernos
7English for Health Sciences I (C1)Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Instituto de Idiomas Modernos, Instituto de Idiomas Modernos
6English for Health Sciences II (B2)Buttke, Alisha Jean; Holland, Jonathan Peter; Mangum, David Andrés; Buttke, Alisha Jean; Mangum, David Andrés; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Instituto de Idiomas Modernos, Instituto de Idiomas Modernos
13English for Health Sciences II (C1)Corona Beomont, Angel Oscar; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Van Der Veer, Barbara Campbell; Instituto de Idiomas Modernos, Instituto de Idiomas Modernos
15English for Health Sciences II (C1)Holland, Jonathan Peter; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Instituto de Idiomas Modernos, Instituto de Idiomas Modernos
7English for Health Sciences II (C1)Holland, Jonathan Peter; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Instituto de Idiomas Modernos, Instituto de Idiomas Modernos
25Idioma I/Language I: English for Business Analytics (C1)Bratten, Adrian; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Bratten, Adrian; Pigott, Kelley Morris; , Instituto de Idiomas Modernos
25Idioma I: English for Business Studies I (B2)Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Brandon, Deborah Ann; Lausell Melón, Victor; Simpson, Karen Lee; Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Brandon, Deborah Ann; Hall, Tisha Kintu; Lausell Melón, Victor; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Simpson, Karen Lee; Taghavi, Simone; , Asignaturas Grado/Máster ICAI - organizadas otros centros
19Idioma I: English for Business Studies I (B2)Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Simpson, Karen Lee; Taghavi, Simone; Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Barrio Lamarche, Daniel Javier; Hall, Tisha Kintu; O'Brien López, Joana; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Simpson, Karen Lee; Taghavi, Simone; Wilkinson Greenhalgh, Ruth Gillian; , Asignaturas Grado/Máster ICAI - organizadas otros centros
19Idioma II: English for Business Studies II (B2)Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Simpson, Karen Lee; Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Hall Alleyne, Tisha Kintu; O'Brien López, Joana; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Shawgo, Kelsey Allyne; Simpson, Karen Lee; Taghavi, Simone; Wilkinson Greenhalgh, Ruth Gillian; Wright, Christopher Ian; , Asignaturas Grado/Máster ICAI - organizadas otros centros
19Idioma II: English for Business Studies II (B2)Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Simpson, Karen Lee; Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Hall Alleyne, Tisha Kintu; O'Brien López, Joana; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Shawgo, Kelsey Allyne; Simpson, Karen Lee; Taghavi, Simone; Wilkinson Greenhalgh, Ruth Gillian; Wright, Christopher Ian; , Asignaturas Grado/Máster ICAI - organizadas otros centros
25Idioma II: English for Business Studies II (B2)Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Brandon, Deborah Ann; Lausell Melón, Victor; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Simpson, Karen Lee; Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Brandon, Deborah Ann; Hall, Tisha Kintu; Lausell Melón, Victor; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Shawgo, Kelsey Allyne; Simpson, Karen Lee; Taghavi, Simone; , Asignaturas Grado/Máster ICAI - organizadas otros centros
19Idioma II: English for Business Studies II (B2)Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Simpson, Karen Lee; Allyne Shawgo, Kelsey; Hall, Tisha Kintu; O'Brien López, Joana; Owens, Rachel Catherine; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Shawgo, Kelsey Allyne; Simpson, Karen Lee; Taghavi, Simone; Wilkinson Greenhalgh, Ruth Gillian; , Asignaturas Grado/Máster ICAI - organizadas otros centros
28Inglés B2.1Hubbard, Glenn Donald; Marriage, Catherine Sophia; Chartier, Christelle Caroline; Hubbard, Glenn Donald; Marriage, Catherine Sophia; Pigott, Kelley Morris; Szczerbik, Carrie Ellen; , Grado en Ingeniería Telemática