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Showing results 1 to 20 of 4562  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1201140- Regional comparative of Spain through economic and demographic indicators (1975-2017)Gutiérrez Sanchís, Ana Teresa
411 Miguel García-BaróGarcía-Baró López, Miguel
127 vocesGil Parejo, Manuel
31-Dec-202250 años después de la placa Pioneer-10, ¿es posible una definición interdisciplinar, pluralista y consensuada del ser humano?Bueno Guerra, Nereida
18 locuciones (con diferentes matrices) en el ámbito de las AdiccionesCharro Baena, María Belén
7978-84-16262-98-4Pinilla Burgos, Ricardo Jes?s; Garcia Vazquez, Milagros
2A "Collaborative Me" Crossroad: Individual Belifs and the Adoption of Corporate BlogsFernández Cardador, Pedro; Hernández García, Ángel; Iglesias Pradas, Santiago
23A balanced growth of the Spanish Housing Industry in the post civil War crisis (1940-1960)Cassinello Plaza, Natalia
19A benders’ decomposition approach for optimizing the electric system of offshore wind farmsLumbreras Sancho, Sara; Ramos Galán, Andrés
21-Sep-2012A BPMN general framework for managing traceability in a food supply chainMirabelli, Giovanni; Pizzuti, Teresa; Gómez González, Fernando; Sanz Bobi, Miguel Ángel
12-Jun-2018A capacity mechanism design for distribution network expansion planningÁlvarez Pérez, Manuel Alejandro; Rönnberg, Sarah K.; Bollen, Math H. J.; Frías Marín, Pablo; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Jabr, Rabih; Zhong, Jin
20-Mar-2003A comparative study between two nonlinear control techniques for induction motor drivesMuñoz Frías, José Daniel; García Cerrada, Aurelio
10-Aug-2016A comparative study of techniques utilized in analysis of wind turbine dataMazidi, Peyman; Mian, Du; Sanz Bobi, Miguel Ángel
19-Jul-2020A comparative study of the application of lesson study in different university learning environmentsCenteno Hernáez, Efraim; Aláez Martínez, María Ángeles; Fonseca Escudero, David; Fernández Bernal, Fidel; Wogrin, Sonja; Romero Yesa, Susana; Ferrán Zubillaga, Ane; Alsina Claret, María; Necchi, Silvia
7A Comparison of Different Methods for Estimating Value-at-Risk (VaR) under Non-Normality and Non-Linearity: Empirical Evidence for Actual PortfoliosCoronado Vaca, María
23-Jun-2003A comparison of eigenvalues obtained with two dynamic simulation software packagesPersson, Jonas G.; Slootweg, Johannes G Han; Rouco Rodríguez, Luis; Söder, Lennart; Kling, Wil L Wil
8-Nov-2010A complete fault location formulation for distribution systems using the k-nearest neighbors for regression and classificationMorales España, German Andres; Mora Flórez, Juan; Carrillo Caicedo, Gilberto
1A comprehensive approach to the study of socio-educational inclusion of migrant children in Europe: IMMERSE research projectBajo Marcos, Eva; Serrano Sanguilinda, Inmaculada; Fernández García, María Mercedes
1-Sep-2008A computer tool for automatic braking distance calculationSicre Vara del Rey, Carlos María; Cucala García, María Asunción; Fernández Cardador, Antonio; Cano, Luis
1-Sep-2008A computer tool for automatic braking distance calculationSicre Vara del Rey, Carlos María; Cucala García, María Asunción; Fernández Cardador, Antonio; Cano, Luis