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dc.contributor.advisorCherkaoui, Rachid
dc.contributor.authorEgea de la Mata, Gonzalo
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Pontificia Comillas, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ICAI)es_ES
dc.descriptionGrado en Ingeniería Electromecánicaes_ES
dc.description.abstractElectric power systems are increasingly facing greater challenges from changing regulations, evolutions in demand requirements and the incorporation of distributed generation (DG) from renewable energy sources (RES). These changes have shown a clear incompatibility with traditional operating control methods due to the lack of controllability at the low voltage (LV) level. For such problem, the most promising solution seems to be to indirectly control the DG through a set of energy storage systems (ESSs) owned by the distribution network operators (DNOs) that will be in charge of the mismatches between generation and demand. The main objective of this project is to develop the control of distribution networks with the integration of dispersed energy storage systems with Multi-Agent system approach. More precisely, a hierarchical approach will be used distinguishing different levels of importance within the ESSs where the flow of information will be done between the different levels. Firstly, a brief introduction will be given on the background, the current situation of electric power systems and the general principle of the algorithm of control. Then, the first layer of control will be presented, where a preliminary distribution control will be run through Economic Load Dispatch concept, neglecting so far the losses in transmission lines adapting it to the case of ESSs. Subsequently, the following layer will be tackled by running the load flow on the different areas. For such task, special attention will be given to the issue of the influence of the external part of the system to the load flow of a certain area. Several proposals were studied although only the best solution, the decomposition method, will be presented. The other approach, Ward Equivalent, is briefly described in the annex of this report. Finally, some conclusions will be drawn based on the results obtained as well as the following steps to tackle.es_ES
dc.subject33 Ciencias tecnológicases_ES
dc.subject3306 ingeniería y tecnología eléctricases_ES
dc.subject330609 Transmisión y distribuciónes_ES
dc.titleControl of distribution network with the integration of dispersed energy storage systems with Multi-Agent system approach: development of first and second levels of control of hierarchical approaches_ES
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