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Título : Understanding the impacts of smart grid solutions: a methodology proposal to perform a scalability and replicability analysis (SRA)
Autor : Rodríguez Calvo, Andrea
Cossent Arín, Rafael
Frías Marín, Pablo
Resumen : 
Smart grid solutions offer a great potential to improve the distribution system. Numerous pilot projects have been launched to test smart grid solutions in real-life systems. However, the results observed will be subject to the specific context of the demonstrators. Therefore, conclusions drawn may not be directly applicable to the implementation of the same solutions in different locations or at a larger scale. The objective of this paper is to give an insight into the scalability and replicability analysis (SRA) of smart grid implementations to understand the effect of the context and infer the impacts that may be expected from smart grids. A methodology for SRA of smart grid solutions will be proposed with special focus on a technical analysis based on simulation to quantify the impact of smart grid implementations under different conditions. Additionally, the methodology incorporates the analysis of the economic, regulatory and social aspects to identify drivers and barriers for scaling-up ad replication of smart grid implementations. The proposed methodology will be illustrated through its application to the case of MV automation for the improvement of continuity of supply.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/14241
Aparece en las colecciones: Documentos de Trabajo

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