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Título : Cristología
Autor : Vitón de Antonio, José Ignacio
Fecha de publicación :  10
Resumen : Se presentan los elementos fundamentales de una Cristologia, el estudio de la persona y de la predicación de Jesucristo. Se asume metodológicamente que el Nuevo Testamento contiene el mensaje auténtico de Jesús de Nazareth, tanto explícita como implícitamente. Se analizan los distintos criterios de historicidad para dar cuenta de la verosimilitud histórica de los pasajes del Evangelio. Se pone de relieve la vida y obra de Jesús de Nazareth, su significado histórico y teológico. Se explican las dos orientaciones básicas de la Cristología y las potencialidades y peligros que encierra cada una, la Cristología ascendente y la Cristología descendente. Se hace hincapié en la muerte y resurrección de Jesús, tanto en su significado histórico como teológico. En la última parte se explican los títulos de Jesús.
Christianity is shaped around the figure of Jesus of Nazareth. Christology is the study of the Person and work of Jesus Christ. The underlying methodological assumption is that the New Testament contains the authentic and accurate record of Jesus, both explicitly and implicitly. This is an in-depth study of Christology. There are two basic types of Christology, Christology from below or Ascending Christology and Christology from above or Descending Christology. Christology from below is the emphasis of the theology we find in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke). Too much focus on Christology from below tends to suggest that Jesus is only human and not really divine. He fulfils a unique role in the history of human beings, calling us to the demands of the Kingdom of God. Christology from above is the emphasis of the theology we find in the Fourth Gospel and that of Paul. An exclusive or exaggerated Christology from above tends to imply that Jesus is not really human, but only appears to have taken on our human condition. Historical research reaches different levels of security over the words and deeds of Jesus. Jesus preaches the Kingdom of God. Death and Resurrection of Jesus: Historical and theological significance. In the last part there are explained the Christological Titles in the New Testament.
Descripción : Apuntes
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/15303
Aparece en las colecciones: Materiales Docentes

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