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Título : Improved maintenance and management of distribution assets due to the digitalization of the electrical grid
Autor : Gaudó Navarro, Mariano
Gil García, Sara
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ICAI)
Palabras clave : 33 Ciencias tecnológicas;3304 Tecnología de los ordenadores;330413 Dispositivos de transmisión de datos;3322 Tecnología energética;332201 Distribución de energía
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Resumen : In the energy sector, digitalization is transforming the business architecture, redrawing boundaries and redefining relationships between consumers and utilities. Advances in technologies, telecommunications and data analytics are progressively changing the environment for Distribution System Operators (DSOs), consumers and suppliers. Digitalization allows DSOs to gain more insight and control over their traditionally passive network. It allows them to drive new levels of operational efficiency and modernize their communication with network customers. This Thesis has been developed as motor for change aiming for an efficient use of the digital infrastructure by the electric utilities and more precisely by the DSO. For this purpose it has been prepared a strategy to improve maintenance of assets in the distribution network. In particular, this Thesis will focus on improving maintenance in Secondary Substations (Medium to Low Voltage) owned by Gas Natural Fenosa, making use of the data provided by digital equipment, mainly by Smart Meters and Low Voltage Supervisors that send remotely hourly data. The solution that has been proposed in this Thesis will move from a preventive maintenance to a predictive maintenance in Secondary Substations. The conventional maintenance is characterized by random and seasonal visits (winter and summer) in some of the Secondary Substations. In these visits, maintenance members take sporadic and isolating reading at the moment of metering the currents in the feeders. In fact, currents oscillate a lot; therefore, making decisions with punctual measures is not too accurate. The methodology followed to improve maintenance is based on the development of an algorithm to estimate the currents that flow in the Low Voltage feeders of the Secondary Substations. These estimations will allow to determine the hourly and daily status of the assets and detect those that are more critical. After calculating the estimated currents and comparing them to the real measured values, it has been verified that real and estimated values differ within an acceptable range. Not only this solution will save Operation and Maintenance costs to the company Gas Natural Fenosa due to the reduction of visits to Secondary Substations for maintenance but also this solution will enable to do much more things that were not done until now in the company. In conclusion, digitalization has changed the way things are done in distribution companies. DSOs have to make use of the information that digital devices provide in order to improve their systems and the way they operate the network.
Descripción : Master in the Electric Power Industry
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/16438
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