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dc.contributor.advisorMorillo Velázquez, Juan Manuel-
dc.contributor.authorZabala Ortiz-Coronado, Ana Isabel-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Pontificia Comillas, Escuela Universiaria de Enfermería Y Fisioterapiaes_ES
dc.descriptionTitulación::Grado::Grado en Enfermeríaes_ES
dc.description.abstractEste proyecto educativo pretende mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente recién diagnosticado de esquizofrenia mediante los cuidadores y/o familiares principales. Para ello, intentamos incorporar un programa psicoeducativo de enfermería para ayudar a los cuidadores y/o familiares a mejorar, entre otras cosas, la comunicación entre familiar y/o cuidador y paciente, y entre el cuidador y/o familiar con el personal sanitario. Con esto, pretendemos que el familiar y/o cuidador principal sea capaz de reconocer las señales de alarma, diferenciándolas de la sintomatología propia de la enfermedad. Otro de los objetivos de este programa psicoeducativo es la mejora en la adherencia al tratamiento, conociendo el cuidador los principales grupos farmacológicos que son utilizados en la esquizofrénia. Este programa, tiene como finalidad en el cuidador y/o familiar principal mejorar la conciencia de la enfermedad, disminuyendo la estigmación que pudieran tener hacia la misma. La intervención educativa elegida para éstas sesiones, es la psicoeducación grupal por las ventajas socializadoras que en ella se trabajan.es_ES
dc.description.abstractFor many years, the quality of life of the schizophrenic patient has been omitted and undervalued. They have been excluded and wrongly seen in the society. For years, we have known about this illness associating it with the lack of affection the patient receives from his/her family. As years went by, those ideas were left out as it was known, that the origin of the problem was different. Painful and different 2 treatments from the current ones such as, the induction to hypoglycemia, were used in order to treat the illness. Nowadays, this kind of treatment is ruled out due to the ineffectiveness of its use. After studying the clinical background of schizophrenic patients from different hospitals, I realised about the importance of helping them to improve their quality of life. In the beginning, I thought of focusing this educative project on the patients, as improving their quality of life was my first purpose. While I was making this project, and after reading some articles, I noticed how important the family was and how the improvement of these relationships could also improve the quality of life of the patients. Basing this project on the families I realized that the ideas about the illness were wrong and affecting to the family, so, they should change. In this way, the family and/or principal carers know the patient’s symptoms, the treatment and the secondary effects of the illness. Apart from that, I took into account the importance of integrating the patients into the society in a natural way. This integration improves in a considerable way the quality of life of the patient, as well as, his/her family’s. It is essential that the families are predisposed to learn about the illness and are also open-minded and respectful.es_ES
dc.subjectUNESCO::32 Medicina::3211 Psiquiatríaes_ES
dc.subjectUNESCO::32 Medicina::3201 Ciencias clínicas::320199 Otras especialidades (Enfermería)es_ES
dc.subjectUNESCO::63 Sociología::6309 Grupos sociales::630903 Familia, parentescoes_ES
dc.subjectUNESCO::61 Psicología::6103 Asesoramiento y orientación::610303 Asesoramiento y orientación educacionales_ES
dc.titleProyecto educativo para la mejora de la calidad de vida en el familiar y/o cuidador principal del paciente esquizofrénicoes_ES
dc.keywordsEnfermería, Esquizofrenia, Calidad, Psicoeducativo, Cuidadores_ES
dc.keywordsNurse, Schizophrenia, Quality, Psychoeducational, Caregiveres_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: KEN-Trabajos Fin de Grado

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