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Título : Simplification and evaluation of demand response by the use of statistical aggregated models
Autor : Álvarez Bel, Carlos
Moreno Novella, Jose Ignacio
López López, Gregorio
Matanza Domingo, Javier
Valero Verdu, Sergio
López Benítez, Miguel
Gabaldón Marín, Antonio
Ruiz Abellón, María Carmen
Resumen : 
The participation of Demand Response in energy and operation markets is gaining interest in the last years due to the necessity of integrating renewable resources in the Power Systems. The potential of small demand segments is very high, but its complexity (thousands of customers to achieve the same potential that large customers) and costs (for instance, measurement and communication requirements) arise as important barriers for DR. These barriers are to be analyzed in detail, especially for Ancillary Services. Likewise, this paper presents the basis of a load modelling methodology (elemental and aggregate ones, PBLM) for different electricity markets which demonstrates through simulations the capabilities of the tool for the engagement of these segments on DR. These simulations can help to overcome some of the main barriers and facilitate the deployment of DR.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/18457
Aparece en las colecciones: Documentos de Trabajo

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