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dc.contributor.advisorBlanco Méndez, Ricardo-
dc.contributor.authorMadrazo De Tomás, Rodrigo-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Pontificia Comillas, Escuela Universiaria de Enfermería Y Fisioterapiaes_ES
dc.descriptionTitulación::Grado::Grado en Fisioterapiaes_ES
dc.description.abstractBackground Isquioperoneotibial muscle fibers breaks are one of the most common injuries in athletes, reaching a 14% of total injuries occurring. Mechanism of production is at the beginning of the support when in stretch, abruptly becomes an eccentric action a concentric action. Scheduled treatment as usual rest method is RICE, but found the need of muscle activation for a better feedback, based on the physiological benefits of physical exercise. Goals the main objective is to verify the effectiveness and the benefits of muscle activation and early mobilization, against classical immobilization, in breaks from fibers of the muscle isquioperoneotibial, in athletes aged between 15 and 50 years. Methodology has designed a research project for the realization of an analytical, experimental, single-blind study, with a sample of 48 subjects randomly divided into a control group which is a manual therapy and applies the method RICE and an experimental group which, in addition to the control intervention, carries out a program of empowerment and rehabilitation. There will be two measurements (pre-intervención and post-intervención) that the recruitment of fibers and fatigue by means of electromyography of surface, the balance of muscle activation with screens MBODY PRO MYONTEC, and the quality of life questionnaire General health Goldberg - GHQ28 - will be measured. A statistical analysis of the data will be conducted to see if the results are extrapolated and significant.es_ES
dc.subjectUNESCO::32 Medicina::3213 Cirugía::321311 Fisioterapiaes_ES
dc.subjectUNESCO::24 Ciencias de la vida::2411 Fisiología humana::241106 Fisiología del ejercicioes_ES
dc.subjectUNESCO::24 Ciencias de la vida::2411 Fisiología humana::241110 Fisiología del músculoes_ES
dc.subjectUNESCO::32 Medicina::3213 Cirugía::321315 Traumatologíaes_ES
dc.titleEficacia de la movilización temprana frente a la inmovilización en roturas de fibras en la musculatura isquioperoneotibiales_ES
dc.keywordsRotura de fibras, Musculatura isquioperoneotibial, Electromiografía de superficie, Mallas MBODY PRO de MYONTEC, Potenciación, Readaptaciónes_ES
dc.keywordsBreakage of fibres, Muscle isquioperoneotibial, Electromyography surface, Mesh MBODY PRO MYONTEC, Empowerment, Rehabilitationes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: KFS-Trabajos Fin de Grado

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