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Título : Una revisión bibliográfica sobre la adicción a la comida y su relación con otros trastornos de la conducta alimentaria.
Autor : Chicharro, Juan Francisco
Rabasco Gómez, Laura
Universidad Pontificia Comillas,
Palabras clave : 61 Psicología;610101 Desórdenes del comportamiento
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Resumen : En los últimos años se ha producido un aumento de las investigaciones acerca de la adicción a la comida (AC), sin embargo, sigue siendo un tema controvertido y hasta el momento no existe una definición consensuada. Dada la alta prevalencia de AC en personas con obesidad y trastornos de la conducta a
In recent years there has been an increase in the studies related to food addiction (FA), however, it is a controversial issue and so far, there is no agreed definition. Given the high prevalence of FA in people with obesity and eating disorders (EDs), most of the research has been focused on the study of this dependency in this population. This has led to a vision of FA as an underlying symptom to these problems. The aim of the present article was to give a clearer vision of this concept, study the prevalence of this addiction in the different EDs and obesity, and to make an analysis of the reference scale (YFAS, Yale Food Addiction Scale). Another key point was trying to discover if the addiction to food is an independent problem, not linked to obesity or eating disorders. A literature review has been made, and the results show higher FA rates in people with obesity and / or eating behavior disorders, compared to the general population. In addition, good psychometric properties were found in the YFAS at the time of the diagnosis of this dependency. Evidence show how FA is not a symptom of other diseases, but an independent addiction that usually occurs in other pathologies. All this reflects the importance of recognizing FA as an independent disorder.
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URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/22338
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