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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.authorCabrera Galbis, Belénes-ES
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Pontificia Comillas,es_ES
dc.descriptionLa alumna ha realizado una programación en torno al concepto "Todos podemos ser héroes", que consta de 9 unidades didácticas elaboradas con el hilo conductor los héroes, los superhéroes y los niños.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEste trabajo es una programación anual dirigida al tercer curso de Educación Infantil. El hilo conductor son las diferencias entre los superhéroes y los alumnos. Queremos aprovecharnos de la fascinación y fantasía que provocan los superheroes en los niños para acercar un poco más su figura a la realidad en la que viven los alumnos.es-ES
dc.description.abstractThis project reflects an annual program on a 5 year-old children class. Its overall objective is to compare the special features of superheroes with those of children in order to find similarities and differences among them. Children admire superheroes and their extraordinary qualities. For that reason, they tend to identify themselves with them. Having said that, this work attempts to take advantage of the fascination caused to children by superheroes. In such a way, we will develop different techniques of teaching and learning to promote both individual and mutual skills. In order to achieve this purpose, we will use a set of teaching units which explain the connection between reality and fiction and therefore, they make everything more simple for students. We will cover topics such as healthy diet, qualities or traffic education, through innovative games that promote experimentation, learning, teamwork and independent work.en-GB
dc.titleProgramación didáctica para un curso de 3º de Educación Infantil (5 años)es_ES
dc.keywordsSuperheroes, fantasía, realidad, influencia, diferencias y similitudes.es-ES
dc.keywordsSuperheroes, Teamwork, Fantasy, Reality, Influence, Differences and Similarities.en-GB
Aparece en las colecciones: KI4-Trabajos Fin de Grado

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