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Título : Detention of migrant children: If so, under what conditions?
Autor : Claro Quintans, Irene
Resumen : Los acontecimientos recientes en Estados Unidos con una política agresiva de detención y separación de menores inmigrantes en situación irregular de sus padres, han puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de reflexionar también sobre ello en Europa. La jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos ha abordado la detención de menores migrantes por el solo hecho de su entrada irregular y ha desarrollado una amplia jurisprudencia al respecto. A su estudio se dedica el texto de esta comunicación.
Although International Human Rights Law allows the detention of migrant minors to prevent unauthorized entry or to effect deportation, it should be only a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time. Every child deprived of liberty must be treated in accordance with his/her rights as established in the CRC, since a reliable indication of the needs of a child are his/her rights. The detained child is entitled to all the Convention rights, with the exception of freedom of movement or the right to liberty. Article 37(c) CRC establishes additional requirements that treatment in detention must be taken into account: specific needs according to his/her age; separation from other adults unless the best interest is contrary; and to maintain contact with his/her family. At European level, the ECtHR has developed a specific framework of protection based on the ECHR. The detention of migrant children under certain conditions constitutes inhuman or degrading treatment contrary to Article 3 of European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Taking as a starting point the link between CRC and ECHR, an individual assessment of best interest of the child must be a primary consideration. It is therefore necessary to focus on different elements in determining whether the conditions of detention are appropriate: a) Factors such as degree of maturity, age, stage of development or personal circumstances. b) Measures adopted by State authorities to fulfil their obligations to provide care (informing the parents, appointing a lawyer to assist the applicant, etc.). c) Conditions of the detention centres (facilities for leisure or education, access to open air, children s furniture or toys, etc.). This paper deals with the analysis of these issues through the Strasbourg case law in order to assess the whole picture at the current stage of the migrant children s protection in Europe.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/29790
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