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dc.contributor.authorSánchez Barroso, Borjaes-ES
dc.description.abstractLa comunicación versa sobre el impacto de las obligaciones medioambientales impuestas por el Derecho internacional sobre tres áreas tradicionales del Derecho constitucional: el equilibrio entre derechos y principios, el principio general de libertad y la división territorial interna (centrada en la distribución de obligaciones y responsabilidades entre los distintos entes territoriales).es-ES
dc.description.abstractThis working paper deals with the impact of International Law obligations in relation to environmental protection on three main constitutional areas of concern: balance of rights, general freedom principle and internal territorial divisions. The paper shows how the increased pressure that international obligations put on States make them face unprecedented challenges, especially in relation to their duty to protect their citizens against eventual threats to their fundamental rights, and how Constitutional Law must adapt to these new challenges.en-GB
dc.titleImpact of international obligations related to environmental protection on three main constitutional areas of concern: balance of rights, general freedom principle and internal territorial divisionses_ES
dc.rights.holderPróxima publicación en el CEPCes_ES
dc.keywordsMedioambiente, Derecho Constitucional, equilibrio entre derechos, principio general de libertad, distribución de responsabilidadeses-ES
dc.keywordsEnvironment, Constitutional Law, balancing, general freedom principle, State liability distributionen-GB
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