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Título : Analysis of the main development actors involved in tourism. The case of Uzbekistan and implications for the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Autor : Bada, Rosa
Cano Buchholz, Beatriz
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones
Palabras clave : 63 Sociología;6307 Cambio y desarrollo social;630706 Desarrollo socio-económico;53 Ciencias económicas;5312 Economía sectorial;531290 Economía sectorial: Turismo
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Resumen : Tourism as an area within development has received an increasing interest in the international aid community in recent years. Yet, until now, very few research has been done on the dynamics shaping this area and its main actors. This paper focuses on analyzing the main institutional development actors involved in tourism in Uzbekistan, spamming from international organizations, multilateral banks and bilateral development agencies. The objective is to define the role that the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the specialized United Nations agency in tourism, can play in a context marked by a multiplicity of actors with a strong local presence and larger resources. The methodology used includes interviews to representatives from the Government and the principal aid actors working in tourism in Uzbekistan, along with academic reviews. The analysis shows that UNWTO can play an important role given the increasing relevance of tourism within development in the region. To fully harness these opportunities, UNWTO will need to give visibility to its principal competitive advantage – its specific tourism expertise – and strengthen its ties with established aid actors on the ground, which will enable the organization to be considered as a partner in future development projects.
Descripción : Máster Universitario en Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/43400
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