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Resultados 21-30 de 82.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
1-sep-2019The European union energy transition: key priorities for the next five yearsTagliapietra, Simone; Zachmann, Georg; Edenhofer, Ottmar; Glachant, Jean-Michel; Linares Llamas, Pedro; Loeschel, Andreas
1-dic-2019The Spanish national energy and climate planLinares Llamas, Pedro
10-feb-2019A review of cross-sector decarbonisation potentials in the European energy intensive industryGerres, Timo; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Linares Llamas, Pedro; Gómez San Román, Tomás
1-jul-2018The relevance of the local context for assessing the welfare effect of transport decarbonization policies. A study for 5 Spanish metropolitan areasDanesin, Alessandro; Linares Llamas, Pedro
21-abr-2018Assessing the EU ETS with a bottom-up, multisector modelPintos Touriño, Pablo; Linares Llamas, Pedro
15-ene-2018Spatial and temporal synchronization of water and energy systems: towards a single integrated optimization model for long-term resource planningKhan, Zarrar; Linares Llamas, Pedro; Rutten, Martine; Parkinson, Simon C.; Johnson, Nils; García González, Javier
1-abr-2018The policy implications of energy poverty indicatorsRomero Mora, José Carlos; Linares Llamas, Pedro; López-Otero, Xiral
1-jul-2017Towards a comprehensive policy for electricity from renewable energy: an approach for policy designIychettira, Kaveri; Hakvoort, Rudi A.; Linares Llamas, Pedro
1-jun-2017Assessing the potential and costs of reducing energy demandLinares Llamas, Pedro; Pintos Touriño, Pablo; Würzburg, Klaas
1-feb-2017Towards a comprehensive policy for electricity from renewable energy: designing for social welfareIychettira, Kaveri; Hakvoort, Rudi A.; Linares Llamas, Pedro; de Jeu, Rob