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Título : Liga Santander spanish football : economic-financial situation of its members and possible signs of accounting fraud
Autor : Izquierdo Triana, Héctor Fernando
Ojeda Hernández, Carlos
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Facultad de Empresariales (ICADE)
Palabras clave : 53 Ciencias económicas;5312 Economía sectorial;5311 Organización y dirección de empresas;531102 Gestión financiera
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Resumen : The football industry has been showing throughout these years a great importance in the social and economic panorama moving massive economic figures. This Master thesis follows an explanatory and descriptive methodology who's aim is to describe the economic and financia! situation of the sector and its recent evolution, explore the fu lfilment of the accounting statement requirements in the accounts and reveal possible signs of accounting fraud. The principal results show that the teams of La Liga Santander have improved their economic and financia! situation during the period of years analysed, strengthening the equity, the solvency, the liquidity and the indebtness. On the other hand, for the season 16-17 the teams that haven presented the best economic and financia! situation are Athletic Club de Bilbao, Celta de Vigo and S.D Eibar. As a contrast, the teams that have presented the worst situation in economic and financia! terms are Valencia FC, Málaga FC and F.C Barcelona. With respect to t he possible signs of accounting fraud, the valuation of sports intanginble assets tends to a higher degree of subjectivity from a perspective point of view.
Descripción : Máster Universitario en Finanzas
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/53695
Aparece en las colecciones: H75-Trabajos Fin de Máster

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