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Título : Carne escrita en la roca. La poética implícita del libro de Job
Autor : Herrero de Miguel, Víctor Manuel
Fecha de publicación :  1
Editorial : Verbo Divino (Estella, España)
Resumen : El presente trabajo se asoma a la comprensión de la poesía que tiene el libro de Job, sacando a la luz la poética escondida en el poema. Se parte de la hipótesis de que el libro de Job --meditación sobre el sufrimiento, reflexión sapiencial sobre quién es Dios, aguijón verbal contra las teodiceas tradicionales-- es un poema sobre el arte de hacer poemas. Se vislumbra en su interior la convivencia de la expresión inmediata y la conciencia creativa. El estudio se apoya en la alta presencia de términos pertenecientes al campo semántico del decir, la construcción de imágenes sobre la expresión verbal, la reflexividad de la voz de Job (reflectora de un discurso acerca del discurso) y, en lo que compete a la línea dramática, la importancia que todo lo anterior adquiere en el desarrollo de la ficción y la construcción de los personajes.
The present study seeks to understand the poetry found in The Book of Job. Helped by formal investigations of the Book, the literary criticism, and historical and cultural comparativism, the main aim of the study conducted is to make the poetics concealed in the writing emerge. The study is founded on the hypothesis that The Book of Job ––a meditation on suffering and wisdom, a reflection on who God is, a verbal sting against traditional theodicy–– is also a poem about the art of making poems, a metapoem that deals with poetry itself. The happy coexistence of immediate expression and creative conscience can be seen within it. The study stops at the revelation of the high presence of terms belonging to the semantic field of saying, the construction of images on verbal expression, the reflexive nature of Job's voice (reflective on a discourse about the discourse) and, corresponding to the aspect of drama, the importance that all of the above acquires in the development of fiction and the making of the characters. The study focuses on the synchronic study of the texts which, as justified, preserve and offer the voice of Job: 3.23-26; 6.2-30; 7.11-21; 9.2-35; 10.1-22; 12.2-25; 13.1-27; 13.28- 14.22; 16.2-22; 17.1-16; 19.2-29; 21.2-34; 23.2-17; 24.1-17; 27.2-6.11-12; 29.2-25; 30.1-31; 31.1-40; 40.4-5; 42.2-6. The poetic analysis consists of the following steps: proper translation of Job's poems (emphasizing in particular the aspects in which poetry arises: the musicality of words, the semantic connections between them, tropes and figures, as well as the universal meaning to which each verse points); notes on the translation (from the clarification of textual criticism to the poetic motives that justify our version); presentation of the poem and the structural environment that houses it; analysis of each poem, paying special attention to what Job says about himself and, more specifically, what his voice says about his voice. Finally, a final section called Theology of Poetics summarizes the fruit of each reading and integrates it into a final set. To this first analytical part corresponds a second part in which, from biblical theology, we approach the anthropological image of the man Job.
Descripción : Libro de Investigación
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/54780
ISBN : 9788490734582
Aparece en las colecciones: Libros

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