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Título : Impacto del capital riesgo
Autor : Hernández Sobrino, Fernando
Berrio Bonilla, Marta
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Facultad de Empresariales (ICADE)
Palabras clave : 53 Ciencias económicas;5304 Actividad económica;530406 Dinero y operaciones bancarias
Fecha de publicación : 2015
Resumen : In the present work it has been carried out the study of Venture Capital and Private Equity in depth. The main reason why this study is carried out, is to know a form of financing that has been acquiring greater importance in Spain throughout time as well as observing the evolution that has had at the time, how it influences on Spanish companies and which areas you can see a greater degree of participation of Venture Capital and Private Equity. Also, this work can highlight its research character, based on historical information, as well as numerous extracts from financial newspapers in which it has been possible to observe the situation of Venture Capital and Private Equity in Spain, and how this affects the Spanish companies. To make this work, it has begun studying the main characteristics of Venture Capital and Private Equity and differences with other sources of funding. Once already known this term in depth, has been passed to a study of the evolution that has suffered the Venture Capital and Private Equity in Spain, considering how it has behaved during the financial economic crisis, what has been the evolution of Venture Capital and Private Equity depending on their stage of activity and how it has evolved according to the stage of development. Then, it has gone to study how this form of financing influences on business, if it is able to generate growth, employment, internationalization, among others. In this way, it is possible to get a conclusion about whether it is good option or not this type of financing. Finally, it has analyzed sectors where it is more influential the Venture Capital and Private Equity, and those expected to have a major development next years. In conclusion, it can be noted that while Venture Capital and Private Equity is less developed than in other countries, it is acquiring greater importance; however, the financial crisis in which we have been immersed has led to a decline in the activities undertaken by Venture Capital and Private Equity. Also, but always with some exceptions, Venture Capital and Private Equity has a positively influence in the growth of a company, in the potential to create new jobs, to invest in more assets than a company that is not supported by Venture Capital and Private Equity, to develop its internationalization, etc. Regarding sectors, although each differs from the previous years as a result of the volume of operations carried out , we can say that there are three sectors with high growth prospects, such as the IT sector, the Health and Tourist sector.
Descripción : Máster Universitario en Finanzas
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/6322
Aparece en las colecciones: H75-Trabajos Fin de Máster

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