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Título : How does workplace bulling affect the employee and the organisation?
Autor : Connolly, John
Osborne Valenzuela, Patricia
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Facultad de Empresariales (ICADE)
Palabras clave : 53 Ciencias económicas;5311 Organización y dirección de empresas
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Resumen : The purpose of this paper, given the importance of the employee well-being, and job performance and satisfaction, is to study the relationship of affective reactions in situations of workplace bullying. It aims to answer the question of how workplace bullying can affect the employee and the company. The method of data collection is a survey where participants are asked 27 questions that are divided in three sections: personal questions, emotions and moods, and situations in the work environment. Through quantitative research, a statistical analysis is made using tools such as the Cisneros Barometer or the PANAS Scale. Our study shows how some emotions can be due to bullying in the work environment and based on the framework of Affective Event Theory (AET), demonstrates that these emotions can affect job satisfaction and performance. Although our sample (N=170) is not so representative due to certain limitations reflected in the conclusion of the paper, we can state that negative events at work such as mobbing trigger affective reactions like irritability. While positive work events can lead to excitement.
Descripción : Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas Mención Internacional (E-4)
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/74438
Aparece en las colecciones: KE4-Trabajos Fin de Grado

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