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Título : Propuestas para la medición y gestión del impacto social: medir para decidir
Autor : Ballesteros García, Carlos
Calderón Gómez-Tejedor, Bárbara
Villalobos García, Lucía
Fecha de publicación : 1-ene-2023
Resumen : El segundo informe de la Cátedra de Impacto Social tiene como objetivo proporcionar claves fundamentales para desarrollar una medición sólida, precisa y eficiente del impacto social, basándose en la experiencia de diversas organizaciones que forman parte del Think Tank de la Cátedra de Impacto Social y su comunidad de práctica. El informe destaca que la medición del impacto debe servir para tomar decisiones que mejoren dicho impacto y debe involucrar activamente a los grupos de interés, es decir, a las personas que experimentan los efectos de la intervención. La participación de estos grupos de interés varía según las capacidades y experiencias de cada organización, pero es siempre una decisión estratégica importante. No involucrarlos puede tener graves consecuencias para la organización. El informe propone un proceso de medición accesible para cualquier organización, basado en la aplicación progresiva de los principios de gestión y medición del impacto. Se divide en tres bloques: motivación, implementación y aprendizajes, y plantea preguntas esenciales, como por qué medir, para qué medir, qué medir, cómo medir, en qué marco y qué se puede aprender de ello. Aunque medir el impacto puede parecer complejo, es tan importante como desarrollar otras áreas de la organización. No hacerlo puede conllevar riesgos significativos. La práctica demuestra que abordar la medición de manera progresiva, como un proceso de aprendizaje y fortalecimiento de capacidades, aporta legitimidad y otros beneficios. En el contexto actual, alinear los impactos identificados con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) es especialmente relevante y puede contribuir a los esfuerzos globales para alcanzar estos objetivos. En resumen, el informe insta a incorporar gradual y sistemáticamente la práctica de la medición del impacto para avanzar hacia modelos de gestión basados en el impacto social.
The second report from the Chair of Social Impact aims to provide key insights for developing a robust, accurate, and efficient measurement of social impact, drawing on the experiences of various organizations that are part of the Social Impact Chair's Think Tank and its community of practice. The report emphasizes that measuring impact should serve decision-making aimed at improving that impact and should actively involve stakeholders, meaning the people who experience the effects of the intervention. The level of stakeholder involvement varies depending on each organization's capabilities and experiences, but it is always a crucial strategic decision. Failing to involve them can have serious consequences for the organization. The report proposes a measurement process that is accessible to any organization, based on the gradual and effective application of principles of impact management and measurement. It is organized into three main sections: motivation, implementation, and learning, and it raises essential questions such as why measure, what to measure, how to measure, within what framework, and what can be learned from it. Although measuring impact may seem complex, it is as vital as developing other areas of the organization. Neglecting it can entail significant risks. Practical experience shows that approaching measurement progressively, as a learning and capacity-building process, provides legitimacy and other benefits. In the current context, aligning identified impacts with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is particularly relevant and can contribute to global efforts to achieve these objectives. In summary, the report urges the gradual and systematic incorporation of impact measurement practices to advance towards management models based on social impact. The second report from the Chair of Social Impact aims to provide key insights for developing a robust, accurate, and efficient measurement of social impact, drawing on the experiences of various organizations that are part of the Social Impact Chair's Think Tank and its community of practice. The report emphasizes that measuring impact should serve decision-making aimed at improving that impact and should actively involve stakeholders, meaning the people who experience the effects of the intervention. The level of stakeholder involvement varies depending on each organization's capabilities and experiences, but it is always a crucial strategic decision. Failing to involve them can have serious consequences for the organization. The report proposes a measurement process that is accessible to any organization, based on the gradual and effective application of principles of impact management and measurement. It is organized into three main sections: motivation, implementation, and learning, and it raises essential questions such as why measure, what to measure, how to measure, within what framework, and what can be learned from it. Although measuring impact may seem complex, it is as vital as developing other areas of the organization. Neglecting it can entail significant risks. Practical experience shows that approaching measurement progressively, as a learning and capacity-building process, provides legitimacy and other benefits. In the current context, aligning identified impacts with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is particularly relevant and can contribute to global efforts to achieve these objectives. In summary, the report urges the gradual and systematic incorporation of impact measurement practices to advance towards management models based on social impact.
Descripción : Informe técnico
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/83255
Aparece en las colecciones: Memorias e informes de investigación

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