Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/83769
Título : Playing Python: Have fun coding in Python
Autor : Sánchez Merchante, Luis Francisco
Vallez Fernández, Carlos Miguel
de Argila Lorente, Carlos Martin
Novales Peleato, Lucas Francisco
Fecha de publicación : 5-oct-2023
Editorial : Publicación independiente (Madrid, España)
Resumen : .
There is no better way to approach programming, discover new libraries, learn new concepts, and engrain them in memory than to do it through play. The examples collected in this book and the associated repository aim to cover the fundamentals of Python with different levels of difficulty. For each of the levels, examples are proposed in the form of increasingly challenging games to facilitate didactic and enjoyable learning. In each chapter, a different game is suggested, and throughout it, the reader is guided in their programming with an approachable language, moving away from technicalities.
Descripción : Libro docente
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/83769
ISBN : 979-8862291957
Aparece en las colecciones: Libros

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