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Título : Influencia de los factores ESG en el desempeño financiero de las empresas farmacéuticas
Autor : Borrás Pala, Francisco
Coronado Vaca, María
López-Belmonte Tabuyo, Ignacio
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Facultad de Empresariales (ICADE)
Palabras clave : 53 Ciencias económicas;5311 Organización y dirección de empresas;531102 Gestión financiera
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Resumen : The pharmaceutical industry has been on the spotlight for their ESG practices for several years now. This study looks to analyse how the integration of ESG practices affects the financial performance of the pharmaceutical companies. The financial performance indicator used for this study will be the ROA. The chosen companies all belong to the US stock exchange, 29 pharmaceutical companies were chosen from the list. The method utilised will be based on partial least squares, and we will look for an interdependence through different regression models. The study is able to confirm a correlation between the ESG variable and the return on assets. Ultimately, this correlation confirms that investing in strengthening the ESG practices will help pharmaceutical firms develop a stronger financial performance.
Descripción : Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas Mención Internacional (E-4)
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/86446
Aparece en las colecciones: KE4-Trabajos Fin de Grado

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