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dc.contributor.authorGallego Amores, Santiagoes-ES
dc.contributor.authorMartín Utrilla, Fernando Davides-ES
dc.contributor.authorChaves Ávila, José Pabloes-ES
dc.contributor.authorAlonso Santos, Beatrizes-ES
dc.description.abstractThree European projects CoordiNet, OneNet and BeFlexible are playing a key role in developing key solutions to enable the use of flexibility in the electricity network, but also in particular i-DE's (leading Spanish DSO company at Iberdrola Group) roadmap to adapt to new DSO (Distribution System Operator) roles. This paper addresses the most relevant elements considered in these projects and the implementations options made by i-DE. The CoordiNet project made it possible to address some of the key challenges for coordination between DSOs and TSOs (Transmission System Operators) and experiment with the full spectrum of services and needs. The OneNet project has helped to develop and test a robust local market platform. And the BeFlexible project aims to improve liquidity in the flexibility markets to make them more efficient for all players. The need to properly define the new roles, adequately design the new markets and create the incentives for all agents are issues that are present in the conclusions of these projects and must be taken into account for future development of the electricity markets and the related regulations.en-GB
dc.titleRegulatory learnings from EU funded flexibility projects. the i-DE case: preparing the future DSO.es_ES
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