Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: http://hdl.handle.net/11531/87324
Título : Development and commissioning of a hydrogen ion source for the CERN ALPHA experiment
Autor : Johnson, Mark Andrew
Bertsche, William Alan
Cortázar, Osvaldo Daniel
Faircloth, Dan
Kalvas, Taneli
Lawrie, Scott
Megia Macías, Ana María
Tarvainen, Olli
Barrios Díaz, Elena
Resumen : 
The CERN ALPHA experiment makes precision measurements of antihydrogen atoms held in a superconducting magnetic minimum trap. Recent studies of the antihydrogen spectrum have provided unique tests of fundamental physics, and to improve on these studies ALPHA is now proposing upgrades to directly compare hydrogen and antihydrogen within their existing atom trap. One route towards producing cold, neutral hydrogen atoms is the integration of a hydrogen ion source into the experiment. Ideally, this should provide both positive (H%2B, H2%2B, H3%2B) and negative (H-) ions to facilitate different schemes for producing and trapping hydrogen atoms. For compatibility with ALPHA's existing beamlines, the source must produce modest (∼ 10 μA) beam currents at very low final energies (
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/87324
Aparece en las colecciones: Documentos de Trabajo

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