Appears in:
Pages: 163-170
Publication year: 2020
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.0093

Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain


S. Lantarón1, M. López1, S. Merchán1, J. Rodrigo2, N. Casas3

1Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (SPAIN)
2Universidad Pontificia Comillas (SPAIN)
3Asociación para la divulgación de la ciencia y la matemática (SPAIN)
The study presented makes an original, new and exhaustive analysis of the adaptation of a classical board game which has been named Binary who is who? This proposal shows a very useful tool for the consolidation of mathematical concepts related to the study of real valued functions that are treated in the different levels of the teaching of mathematics (first and second year of superior secondary studies and the first years of some university degrees). It is a proposal of the authors' own which allows the use of games as a means for learning.

The aim with it is to offer to the teachers the chance of using the games as a method of teaching mathematical concepts, as well as a motivating instrument for them.

So, the objective of this proposal is to use the educational value of certain games for the presentation and consolidation of the knowledge of some concepts of the subjects of mathematics that the students must know, and the proficiency related with logical-mathematical reasoning. We want to offer students the opportunity to play and beat challenges as a way of working the concepts of the daily studies in the classroom, as well as a way form of training their reasoning abilities.

The game that has been developed, adapts the foundations of a classic game such as “Who is who?” with the objective of using its educational value, mainly for the consolidation of knowledge related to the study of real functions of real variables. These subjects are taught in high school programs and first courses of scientific and technical careers. We want to offer students the opportunity to play and overcome challenges, for which their mathematical knowledge on this subject will be of great help, while providing teachers a tool that they can adapt to their needs and to help them improve performance in their classes.

We are sure that the actions proposed in this project will contribute to the approach of students towards understanding essential basic subjects for their studies. The application of the games is highly motivating and is a good reinforcement if applied to mathematical subjects. In addition, it allows students to integrate and relate to each other since it promotes team actions