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Resultados 55801-55810 de 57813.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
15-mar-2024Seguros y coberturas en la mayor edad: proscribiendo la discriminaciónVeiga Copo, Abel Benito
1-nov-2016The effect of charitable giving on workers’ performance: Experimental evidenceCharness, Gary; Cobo Reyes, Ramón; Sánchez González, Ángela
12-mar-2024Visual communication and narrative discourse in social networks: Emma Watson’s digital identity on Instagram.Martín Matas, Patricia; Gil Sanromán, Ingrid
1-jun-2018Modelos de atención centrada en la persona y el cuidado sin sujecionesYusta Tirado, Rubén
18-sep-2024“He flattered me”. A comprehensive look into online grooming risk factors: Merging voices of victims, offenders and experts through in-depth interviewsReneses Botija, María; Riberas Gutiérrez, María; Bueno Guerra, Nereida
1-sep-2024Analyzing the computational performance of balance constraints in the medium-term unit commitment problem: tightness, compactness, and arduousnessMontero Guirao, Luis Manuel; Bello Morales, Antonio; Reneses Guillén, Javier
1-sep-2024Direct coupling of pressurized gas receiver to a brayton supercritical CO2 power cycle in solar thermal power plantsLinares Hurtado, José Ignacio; Arenas Pinilla, Eva María; Montes Pita, María José; Cantizano González, Alexis; Pérez Domínguez, José Rubén; Porras Galán, José
1-sep-2024A novel optimal planning and operation of smart cities by simultaneously considering electric vehicles, photovoltaics, heat pumps, and batteriesShokri, Masoud; Niknam, Taher; Sarvarizadeh Kouhpaye, Miad; Pourbehzadi, Motahareh; Javidi, Giti; Sheybani, Ehsan; Dehghani, Moslem
1-sep-2024Explaining the solutions of the unit commitment with interpretable machine learningLumbreras Sancho, Sara; Tejada Arango, Diego Alejandro; Elechiguerra Batlle, Daniel
2-sep-2024Design and manufacturing of dielectric resonators via 3D printing of composite polymerceramic filamentsSofokleous, Paraskevas; Paz Jiménez, Eva; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier

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