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Resultados 57201-57210 de 57690.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
22-oct-2015Implications from changing the priority dispatch for intermittent energy sources to a market based approach: application to the Spanish caseChaves Ávila, José Pablo; Báñez Chicharro, Fernando; Dietrich, Kristin; Ramos Galán, Andrés
23-jul-2015Rule-based data transformations in electricity smart gridsSantodomingo Berry, Rafael Jacobo; Uslar, Mathias; Rodríguez Mondéjar, José Antonio; Sanz Bobi, Miguel Ángel
6-jun-2016Value of perfect information of spot prices in the joint energy and reserve hourly scheduling of pumped storage plantsChazarra Jover, Manuel; Pérez-Díaz, Juan I.; García González, Javier
20-jul-2008A multidisciplinary approach to model long-term investments in electricity generation: Combining system dynamics, credit risk theory and game theorySánchez Domínguez, Juan José; Barquín Gil, Julián; Centeno Hernáez, Efraim; López-Peña Fernández, Álvaro
10-oct-2008Strategic bidding in Colombian Electricity market using a multi-agent learning approachGallego Vega, Luis Eduardo; Duarte, Oscar; Delgadillo Vega, Andrés Ramiro
20-jul-2008Remuneration and charging procedures for competitive procurement of reactive power capacityFrías Marín, Pablo; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Soler Soneira, David
5-sep-2008Validation of simulation approaches for catenary-pantograph dynamicsJiménez Octavio, Jesús Ramón; Such Tabogada, Miguel; Carnicero López, Alberto; López García, Óscar
31-ene-2008Intelligent system for assisting elderly people at homePascual García, Juan; Sanz Bobi, Miguel Ángel; Contreras Bárcena, David
20-jul-2008Agent Learning Methodology for Generators in an Electricity MarketDelgadillo Vega, Andrés Ramiro; Gallego Vega, Luis Eduardo; Duarte, Oscar; Jiménez, Diana; Camargo, Martha
20-jul-2008Hedging strategies for wind renewable generation in electricity marketsGarcía González, Javier

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