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Resultados 58341-58350 de 58461.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
8-jul-2018Optimizing storage allocation and investment for transmission constrained networks considering losses and high renewable penetrationWogrin, Sonja; Tejada Arango, Diego Alejandro; Yacar, Dean
4-jul-2018Diseño de reguladores resonantes en tiempo discreto para un restaurador dinámico de tensiónRoldan Perez, Javier; Rodríguez Cabero, Alberto; Ochoa Giménez, Miguel; García Cerrada, Aurelio; Zamora Macho, Juan Luis
27-jun-2018Hybridisation of fundamental and composite econometric modelling for short-term electricity price forecastingMarcos Peirotén, Rodrigo Alejandro de; Bello Morales, Antonio; Reneses Guillén, Javier
27-jun-2018Statistical long-term wind simulation in the Iberian and French electricity systemCabrera Azpilicueta, Leopoldo Javier; Bello Morales, Antonio; Reneses Guillén, Javier
27-jun-2018A Monte Carlo approach to represent uncertainty in the European electricity marketOrgaz Gil, Alberto; Bello Morales, Antonio; Reneses Guillén, Javier
5-ago-2018On the nature of voltage impasse regions in power system dynamics studiesOluic, Marina; Berggren, Bertil; Echavarren Cerezo, Francisco; Ghandhari Alavijh, Mehrdad; Rouco Rodríguez, Luis
14-nov-2016A new dynamic and stochastic distributed generation investment planning model with recourseFitiwi Zahlay, Desta; Santos, Sérgio F.; Bizuayehu, Abebe Worke; Shafie-khah, Miadreza; Catalão, João P. S.
12-dic-2016Vehicle-to-grid profitability considering EV battery degradationCalvillo, Christian; Czechowski, Karolina; Söder, Lennart; Sánchez Miralles, Alvaro; Villar Collado, José
14-nov-2016An aggregate model of plug-in electric vehicles including distribution network characteristics for primary frequency controlSeyedmahdi, Izadkhast; García González, Pablo; Frías Marín, Pablo; Ramírez Elizondo, Laura; Bauer, Pavol
14-nov-2016An aggregate model of plug-in electric vehicles for primary frequency controlSeyedmahdi, Izadkhast; García González, Pablo; Frías Marín, Pablo

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