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Resultados 58361-58370 de 58460.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
21-feb-2013Optimal degree of smart transformer substations in distribution networks for reliability improvementRodríguez Calvo, Andrea; Frías Marín, Pablo; Reneses Guillén, Javier; Mateo Domingo, Carlos
26-oct-2012Numerical prediction of smoke temperatures in an atrium under natural ventilation conditionsAyala Santamaría, Pablo; Cantizano González, Alexis; Gutiérrez Montes, Cándido; Rein Soto-Yarritu, Guillermo
15-abr-2013Small-signal stability effects of turbine governors on power systems with high penetrations of integrated wind powerAbdelhalim, Hussein M.; Farid, Amro M.; Adegbege, Ambrose A.; Rouco Rodríguez, Luis; Youcef-Toumi, Kamal
26-oct-2012Application of scaling laws to fire and smoke modellingJiménez Castellanos, Francisco; Cantizano González, Alexis; Ayala Santamaría, Pablo; Rein Soto-Yarritu, Guillermo
14-mar-2013A review of key points of an industrial biogas plant. A European perspectiveSanz Bobi, Miguel Ángel; Cuadra García, Fernando; Batlle López, Carlos
9-nov-2012Interval and classic time series forecasting combination system. Applications to exchange rate (FOREX) predictionMaté Jiménez, Carlos; Morell, Laura
9-nov-2012The bayesian model averaging approach for interval-valued dataMaté Jiménez, Carlos
10-jun-2011Energy and enviromental assessment of electricity production from winter cereals biomass harvested in two locations of Northern SpainMartín Sastre, Carlos; Maletta, Emiliano; Ciria Ciria, María Pilar; Santos Montes, Ana María; del Val Hurtado, María Aránzazu; Pérez Ortiz, Paloma; González Arechavala, Yolanda; Lerga Flamarique, Pedro; Carrasco García, Juan Esteban
11-nov-2011Una aproximación a la representación semántica de documentos basada en medidas de similitud entre conceptosRomero Chicharro, Francisco P.; Ferreira-Satler, Mateus; Alonso Martínez, Israel; Olivas Varela, José Angel; Contreras Bárcena, David
8-dic-2011Anomaly detection in onboard-recorded flight data using cluster analysisLi, Lishuai; Gariel, Maxime; Hansman, R. John; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael

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