Now showing items 1-20 of 101

    • A contactless dielectric constant sensing system based on a split-ring resonator-loaded monopole 

      Carnerero Cano, Javier; Galindo Romera, Gabriel; Martínez Martínez, José Juan; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier (2018-06-01)
      In this paper, a low-cost contactless passive sensor is designed and manufactured. The structure consists of a short-circuited printed monopole antenna coupled to two split-ring resonators. The permittivity of the materials ...
    • A contactless RFID system based on chipless MIW tags 

      Martínez Martínez, José Juan; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Galindo Romera, Gabriel (2018-10-01)
      In this paper, a contactless RFID system formed by chipless tags based on the magneto-inductive wave (MIW) delay lines is proposed. In order to carry out the reading process, two reader probes have been designed, manufactured, ...
    • A contactless system for the dielectric characterization of liquid drop 

      Galindo Romera, Gabriel; Carnerero Cano, Javier; Martínez Martínez, José Juan; Rivera Lavado, Alejandro; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier (2020-08-31)
      The present article shows the design, implementation, and measurement of a compact contactless electronic system for sensing small volumes of liquids. The system is based on two elements: an electronic reader and a passive ...
    • A dual band circularly polarized antenna based on a microstrip patch filled with left-handed structures 

      Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; González Posadas, Vicente; Segovia Vargas, Daniel (Sin editorial (Edimburgo, Reino Unido), 11/11/2007)
      Microstrip patches filled with left-handed structures are proposed to obtain dual band circularly polarized antennas. The proposed antennas have two modes at different frequencies with similar characteristics to the ...
    • A Machine Learning approach for enhancing permittivity mixing rules of binary liquids with a Gaussian modification and a new interaction factor estimation 

      Monteagudo Honrubia, Miguel; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Matanza Domingo, Javier (2024-04-01)
      The microstructure and solvation mechanics of binary liquids are key for predicting mixture permittivity. However, since traditional mixing rules do not consider this complexity, they must be modified to address the mixture ...
    • A Machine Learning approach for the validation and optimization of permittivity mixing rules for binary liquids 

      Monteagudo Honrubia, Miguel; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Matanza Domingo, Javier
      This paper presents the application of Support Vector Regressor models trained with glycerin-water mixture signals from a Dielectric Resonator sensor. Each signal is labeled with a concentration considered. The performance ...
    • A novel dielectric resonator-based passive sensor for drop-volume binary mixtures classification 

      Gholami Mayani, Mahdieh; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Matanza Domingo, Javier; Giannetti, Romano; Rodríguez-Morcillo García, Carlos (2021-09-15)
      In this study, the authors present a dielectric-resonator based sensor to characterize liquids. The sensor is based on a dielectric resonator (DR) fed by a slot-coupling mechanism in the ground plane of a microstrip ...
    • A passive temperature sensor based on a printed magnetoinductive-wave (MIW) delay line 

      Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Martínez Cebrián, Javier; Segovia Vargas, Daniel (Sin editorial (París, Francia), 06/09/2015)
      Novel fully passive and electromagnetic sensors are proposed. These sensors are implemented with magnetoinductive-wave (MIW) delay lines. Such lines are composed of a periodic array of coupled square split ring resonators ...
    • An IoT reader for wireless passive electromagnetic sensors 

      Galindo Romera, Gabriel; Carnerero Cano, Javier; Martínez Martínez, José Juan; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier (01/04/2017)
      In the last years, many passive electromagnetic sensors have been reported. Some of these sensors are used for measuring harmful substances. Moreover, the response of these sensors is usually obtained with laboratory ...
    • Application of the left-handed half-ioop antenna with wideband tuning to a cognitive radio terminal 

      Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Hall, Peter S.; Segovia Vargas, Daniel (Sin editorial (Barcelona, España), 12/04/2010)
      A compact system for future communication terminals (Cognitive Radio) is presented in this paper. This system is based on two antennas printed on the same substrate board. The total dimensions of the board are 60 mm × 60 ...
    • Arrays of dual-band printed dipoles loaded with metamaterial particles 

      Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; García Muñoz, Luis Enrique; Segovia Vargas, Daniel; González Ovejero, David; Craeye, Christophe (Sin editorial (Berlín, Alemania), 23/03/2009)
      Arrays of printed dipoles loaded with metamaterial particles are presented in this paper. The use of these loaded dipoles can improve the features of the arrays. Two applications are proposed: the miniaturization of the ...
    • Automatic classification and permittivity estimation of organic solvents using a dielectric resonator sensor and machine learning techniques 

      Monteagudo Honrubia, Miguel; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Matanza Domingo, Javier
      This paper presents the application of a dielectric resonator sensor to characterize organic solvents. Two different acquisition systems were implemented to test the sensor and compare the results between a Vector Network ...
    • Bandwidth limitations of ultra high frequency-radio frequency identification tags 

      Zamora González, Gerard; Paredes Marco, Ferran; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Martín Antolín, Ferran; Bonache Albacete, Jordi (16/07/2013)
      Fundamental bandwidth limitations on the design of ultra high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are investigated. This study was conducted by considering the optimum equivalent-circuit network ...
    • Campos Electromagnéticos 

      Centeno Hernáez, Efraim; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Vargas Castrillón, Silvia (04/09/2020)
    • Campos Electromagnéticos 

      Arribas Fernández, Paula; Centeno Hernáez, Efraim; Fernández Bernal, Fidel; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Malagón Luque, Constantino; Picatoste Calvo, Enrique; Vargas Castrillón, Silvia (04/09/2020)
    • Campos Electromagnéticos 

      Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier (08/01/2018)
    • Campos Electromagnéticos 

      Arribas Fernández, Paula; Centeno Hernáez, Efraim; Fernández Bernal, Fidel; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Malagón Luque, Constantino; Rodríguez Marrero, José Luis; Vargas Castrillón, Silvia (05/05/2020)
    • Campos Electromagnéticos 

      Fernández Bernal, Fidel; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier (06/09/2019)
    • Campos Electromagnéticos 

      Centeno Hernáez, Efraim; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Vargas Castrillón, Silvia (01/09/2021)
    • Campos Electromagnéticos 

      Arribas Fernández, Paula; Centeno Hernáez, Efraim; Herraiz Martínez, Francisco Javier; Malagón Luque, Constantino; Picatoste Calvo, Enrique; Vargas Castrillón, Silvia (01/09/2021)