Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • A vector-based flexible-complexity power system tool for simulation, and static and modal analysis 

      Tomás Martín, Andrés; García Aguilar, Javier; García Cerrada, Aurelio; Sigrist, Lukas; Suárez Porras, Jorge
      MATLAB-Simulink-based tools for analysing electric power systems have been proposed widely before. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, there is a need for a tool that does not require extensive modifications ...
    • Dynamical patterns of synchronous compensators connected to a wind power plant 

      Suárez Porras, Jorge; Fernández Bernal, Fidel; Rouco Rodríguez, Luis; Tomás Martín, Andrés
    • Sistemas Dinámicos 

      Azañón Montero, Alberto; Cogollor Delgado, Jose María; Collantes Bellido, Rafael; de San Sebastián Soria, Julio; de Vicente Peña, Carlos Javier; del Saz-Orozco Huang, Pablo Carlos; Domínguez Adan, Emilio Manuel; Elías Algaba, José Félix; Giannetti, Romano; González Elías, Antonio; Rodríguez Cortina, Mónica; Rodriguez D'Derlee, Johel Jose; Rodríguez Pecharromán, Ramón; Tomás Martín, Andrés; Urretavizcaya González, José María; Zamora Macho, Juan Luis (11/07/2024)
    • State relevance and modal analysis in electrical microgrids with 100 grid-forming converters 

      Tomás Martín, Andrés; García Cerrada, Aurelio; Sigrist, Lukas; Yagüe Yagüe, Sauro José; Suárez Porras, Jorge
      In traditional power systems, dominated by syn-chronous generators, the separation between time scales is well-known due to the physical response of the generating units. However, the fast-growing deployment of renewable ...
    • State relevance and modal analysis in electrical microgrids with high penetration of electronic generation 

      Tomás Martín, Andrés; García Cerrada, Aurelio; Sigrist, Lukas; Yagüe Yagüe, Sauro José; Suárez Porras, Jorge (2023-05-01)
      A clean electricity sector requires distributed generation through electronic power sources with very fast voltage, frequency, and current responses. Therefore, unlike in conventional power systems with slow generators, ...
    • State relevance and modal analysis in electrical microgrids with high penetration of electronic generation 

      Tomás Martín, Andrés; García Cerrada, Aurelio; Sigrist, Lukas; Yagüe Yagüe, Sauro José; Suárez Porras, Jorge (01/05/2023)
      A clean electricity sector requires distributed generation through electronic power sources with very fast voltage, frequency, and current responses. Therefore, unlike in conventional power systems with slow generators, ...
    • State relevance for model order reduction applied to a microgrid 

      Tomás Martín, Andrés; García Cerrada, Aurelio; Sigrist, Lukas; Yagüe Yagüe, Sauro José; Suárez Porras, Jorge
      This paper presents a systematic model order reduction (MOR) algorithm based on state relevance applied to an islanded microgrid with electronic power generation. MOR of such islanded microgrids may not benefit, a priori, ...