Browsing by Author "0000-0003-4623-0015"
Now showing items 1-20 of 150
A capacity mechanism design for distribution network expansion planning
Álvarez Pérez, Manuel Alejandro; Rönnberg, Sarah K.; Bollen, Math H. J.; Frías Marín, Pablo; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Jabr, Rabih; Zhong, JinCapacity remuneration mechanisms have been originally oriented to ensure availability and continuity of supply on the power generation pool. Equivalent generation-based capacity mechanisms could be implemented to enhance ... -
A comprehensive techno-economic assessment of the impact of natural gas-fueled distributed generation in European electricity distribution networks
Mateo Domingo, Carlos; Frías Marín, Pablo; Tapia Ahumada, Karen (2020-02-01)This paper combines three models:, an energy simulator (eQuest), the Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model (DER-CAM), and a Reference Network Model (RNM), to quantify the impact of natural gas-fueled distributed ... -
A long-term prospective for the Spanish electricity system
Fernandes, Camila; Frías Marín, Pablo; Olmos Camacho, Luis; Ramos Galán, Andrés; Gómez San Román, Tomás (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Madrid, España), 2010-06-23)The main objective of this paper is to present the preliminary results obtained within the SUSPLAN EU Project2, regarding the integration of increasing levels of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) into the future Spanish energy ... -
A novel rotor ground-fault-detection technique for synchronous machines with static excitation
Platero Gaona, Carlos A.; Blázquez García, Francisco; Frías Marín, Pablo; Redondo Cuevas, Marta (2010-12-01)This paper presents a novel ground-fault-detection technique for synchronous machines. This technique is suitable for synchronous machines with static excitation systems, whose excitation field winding is fed by rectifiers ... -
A reactive power capacity market using annual auctions
Frías Marín, Pablo; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Soler Soneira, David (2008-08-01)This paper presents a new approach to design reactive power capacity markets. Under this approach annual auctions to procure reactive power capacity are conducted by the system operator. Two products are defined, reactive ... -
An aggregate model of plug-in electric vehicles for primary frequency control
Seyedmahdi, Izadkhast; García González, Pablo; Frías Marín, PabloThe penetration level of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) has the potential to be notably increased in the near future, and as a consequence, power systems face new challenges and opportunities. In particular, PEVs are ... -
An aggregate model of plug-in electric vehicles for primary frequency control
Seyedmahdi, Izadkhast; García González, Pablo; Frías Marín, Pablo (2015-05-01)The penetration level of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) has the potential to be notably increased in the near future, and as a consequence, power systems face new challenges and opportunities. In particular, PEVs are ... -
An aggregate model of plug-in electric vehicles including distribution network characteristics for primary frequency control
Seyedmahdi, Izadkhast; García González, Pablo; Frías Marín, Pablo; Ramírez Elizondo, Laura; Bauer, PavolIn the future, the number of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) that will participate in the primary frequency control (PFC) is likely to increase. In our previous research, the computational complexity of the PFC problem ... -
An aggregate model of plug-in electric vehicles including distribution network characteristics for primary frequency control
Seyedmahdi, Izadkhast; García González, Pablo; Frías Marín, Pablo; Ramírez Elizondo, Laura; Bauer, Pavol (2016-07-01)In the future, the number of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) that will participate in the primary frequency control (PFC) is likely to increase. In our previous research, the computational complexity of the PFC problem ... -
Análisis del impacto económico de distintas soluciones tecnológicas para la integración masiva de generación renovable en el sistema eléctrico español en el horizonte 2020-2050
Fernandes, Camila; Malpica Morales, Antonio; Frías Marín, Pablo (22/06/2016)La integración a gran escala de generación renovable supone retos a la operación de los sistemas eléctricos. En este contexto, el proyecto europeo GridTech estudia soluciones innovadoras para la integración de generación ... -
Análisis del impacto en España de la generación renovable en el periodo 2020-2050
Fernandes, Camila; Frías Marín, Pablo (2011-03-01)El desafío energético impuesto por el cambio climático y la necesidad de garantizar el suministro de energía a todos los consumidores, añadidos a los objetivos de competitividad económica, se han concretado en una meta de ... -
Análisis prospectivo general
Frías Marín, Pablo; Linares Llamas, Pedro; Gómez San Román, Tomás (Aranzadi (Pamplona, España), 2010-03-01) -
Are Electric Cars Safe? A Descriptive Analysis of the first collisions reported in Spain
López Valdés, Francisco José; Ruiz López-Guerrero, Roberto; Frías Marín, Pablo; Román Úbeda, Jaime; Seguí Gómez, MaríaAnálisis descriptivo de la siniestralidad de vehículos eléctricos en España según los datos publicados por la DGT en el periodo 2014-2016 -
Are electric cars safe? A descriptive analysis of the first collisions reported in Spain
López Valdés, Francisco José; Ruiz López-Guerrero, Roberto; Frías Marín, Pablo; Román Úbeda, Jaime; Seguí Gómez, María -
Aspectos medioambientales del vehículo eléctrico
Frías Marín, Pablo; Miguel Perales, Carlos de (2019-03-01)El proceso de desarrollo de una nueva tecnología como el vehículo eléctrico no está exento de tener un impacto medioambiental en todo su ciclo de vida, desde la construcción de los distintos componentes, su uso como medio ... -
Aspectos medioambientales del vehículo eléctrico
de Miguel Perales, Carlos Bernabé; Frías Marín, Pablo (31/12/2019)En este artículo se analiza desde un punto de vista técnico y jurídico las implicaciones ambientales del vehículo eléctrico, con especial incidencia en el concepto del ciclo de vida. -
Assessing the potential of MV automation for distribution network reliability improvement
Rodríguez Calvo, Andrea; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Frías Marín, PabloDistribution network automation is a key functionality in the evolution towards smarter electricity grids. The main driver to deploy this kind of smart grid solutions is the improvement of continuity of supply (CoS) for ... -
Assessing the potential of MV automation for distribution network reliability improvement
Rodríguez Calvo, Andrea; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Frías Marín, Pablo (2017-10-01)Distribution network automation is a key functionality in the evolution towards smarter electricity grids. The main driver to deploy this kind of smart grid solutions is the improvement of continuity of supply (CoS) for ... -
Assessing the transport policies needed to reach the 1.5ºC target: decarbonizing road transport in Spain
Pérez Bravo, Manuel; Linares Llamas, Pedro; Frías Marín, Pablo; Romero Mora, José Carlos; Rodríguez Matas, Antonio FranciscoThe transport sector is regarded as key for the energy transition, given the share it holds in the total energy consumption and emissions count, more than a fourth of the Spanish total. Its integration within energy models ... -
Assessment of the impact of a fully electrified postal fleet for urban freight transportation
Martínez Velázquez, Miguel; Moreno Emborujo, Asier; Angulo Martínez, Ignacio; Mateo Domingo, Carlos; Masegosa Arredondo, Antonio David; Perallos Ruiz, Asier; Frías Marín, Pablo (2021-07-01)The progressive electrification of urban distribution fleets, motivated by the consolidation of electric vehicle technology and by the mobility advantages that cities grant to non-polluting vehicles, poses future challenges ...