Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Universal jamming gripper: experimental analysis on envelope and granular materials 

      de Rodrigo Tobías, Ignacio; Belart Siguero, Jorge; López López, Álvaro Jesús (2024-01-01)
      This article presents a materials optimization for the universal jamming gripper, one of the most versatile tools for robotic grasping. For this purpose, we analyze both the granular interior material and its surrounding ...
    • Visión por ordenador I 

      Boal Martín-Larrauri, Jaime; de Rodrigo Tobías, Ignacio; García López, Javier; Sánchez Molina, Rodrigo (04/09/2023)
    • Visión por ordenador I 

      Arias Gonzales, Luis Eduardo; Bengochea Guevara, José María; Boal Martín-Larrauri, Jaime; de Rodrigo Tobías, Ignacio; García López, Javier; Güitta López, Lionel; Sánchez Molina, Rodrigo; Velasco Salido, Erik (25/08/2024)