Now showing items 1-15 of 15

    • A model based in numerical simulation techniques as a tool for decision- making and risk management in a wholesale electricity market. Part I: General structure and scenario generators. 

      Batlle López, Carlos; Otero-Novas Miranda, Irene; Alba Ríos, Juan José; Meseguer Velasco, Claudia; Barquín Gil, Julián (Sin editorial (Funchal, Portugal), 2000-09-25)
      Changes in the electricity industry have lead to less regulated and more competitive energy market where risk management becomes a key issue. Decision-making and Risk analysis in a competitive environment require powerful ...
    • A model based in numerical simulation techniques as a tool for decision- making and risk management in a wholesale electricity market. Part II: The market model. 

      Otero-Novas Miranda, Irene; Batlle López, Carlos; Alba Ríos, Juan José; Meseguer Velasco, Claudia; Barquín Gil, Julián (Sin editorial (Funchal, Portugal), 2000-09-25)
      The algorithm we present in this paper defines a market
    • A simulation model for a competitive generation market 

      Otero-Novas Miranda, Irene; Meseguer Velasco, Claudia; Batlle López, Carlos; Alba Ríos, Juan José (2000-02-01)
      The simulation of a wholesale electricity market should go beyond a simple optimization based on the operating costs of the generating units. A model of a competitive electricity market must consider the market structure, ...
    • A Switching Operations Planner for Subtransmision Networks 

      Alba Ríos, Juan José; Sánchez Ubeda, Eugenio Francisco; Centeno Hernáez, Efraim; Torá, María; Reig, A.; Aparcero, Francisco (Sin editorial (Aviñón, Francia), 1993-08-30)
      This paper presents AISMAN, a system intended to assist the EMS operators in planning and execution of switching sequences in subtransmision networks with different voltage levels. The current version of AISMAN is intended ...
    • Closure to discussion of «A simulation model for a competitive generation market» 

      Otero-Novas Miranda, Irene; Meseguer Velasco, Claudia; Batlle López, Carlos; Alba Ríos, Juan José (2001-11-01)
    • Control and diagnosis of water chemistry in the water-steam and water make-up in a fossil fuelled power plant 

      Sanz Bobi, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Arriaga, José Ignacio; Serrano Carbayo, José Luis; Ortiz Alfaro, María Empar; Alba Ríos, Juan José; Doménech Pujol, Álvaro; Villamediana Díez, María Jesús; González-Huerta, J.; Fernández-Martínez, J.J. (1994-08-01)
      This paper presents the expert system SEQA (the Spanish initials for Water Chemistry Expert System) for the control and diagnostic of the chemical properties of the water-steam and water make-up treatment systems in a ...
    • Las empresas de generación frente al nuevo entorno 

      Alba Ríos, Juan José; Larrea Paguaga, Pedro (1998-03-01)
      La introducción de competencia en la generación eléctrica supone el abandono de un sistema en el que las deci-siones de inversión y de operación obedecían principalmente a la planificación realizada por la Administración ...
    • Optimization and learning of load restoration strategies 

      Kostic, T.; Alba Ríos, Juan José; Germond, Alain (1996-02-01)
    • Planificación de maniobras en redes eléctricas mediante búsquedas heurísticas 

      Alba Ríos, Juan José; Sánchez Quirós, Jaime Javier; Sánchez Ubeda, Eugenio Francisco; Centeno Hernáez, Efraim (1994-05-01)
    • Reactive power pricing: A conceptual framework for remuneration and charging procedures 

      Barquín Gil, Julián; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Alba Ríos, Juan José; Sánchez Martín, Pedro (2000-05-01)
      A new electrical sector regulation is being implemented in different countries all over the world. The new regulation stresses the role of competitive markets for the procurement and remuneration of ancillary services. ...
    • Thermal plant bids and market clearing in an electricity pool. Minimization of costs vs. minimization of consumer payments 

      Alonso Pérez, Javier; Trías, A.; Gaitan, V.; Alba Ríos, Juan José (1999-11-01)
      The Spanish wholesale electricity market started on January 1st 1998. Though it is based on simple pricequantity bids, it incorporates some provisions to take thermal plant running requirements into account. This paper ...
    • Wholesale and retail electricity markets 

      Alba Ríos, Juan José; Baíllo Moreno, Álvaro; Batlle López, Carlos; Bogas Gálvez, Juan; Canoyra Trabado, Antonio; Lloréns Casado, María Luisa; Rodilla Rodríguez, Pablo; Roiz Val, María; Sweatman, Peter Rupert Christopher (08/02/2018)
    • Wholesale and retail electricity markets 

      Alba Ríos, Juan José; Batlle López, Carlos; Canoyra Trabado, Antonio; Canseco García-Pita, Antonio; Carbó Haya, Álvaro; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Formozo Fernandes, Camila; García González, Javier; Gómez San Román, Tomás; González Sotres, Luis Felipe; Largo Ángel, Oscar; Mastropietro, Paolo; Pascual López, Carlos; Peral Cuadrado, José Félix; Rodilla Rodríguez, Pablo; Roiz Val, María; Temboury Molina, Juan; Trancho Tejerina, Nuria; Zumalave Freire, Ignacio (24/04/2020)
    • Wholesale and retail electricity markets 

      Alba Ríos, Juan José; Batlle López, Carlos; Canoyra Trabado, Antonio; Canseco García-Pita, Antonio; Carbó Haya, Álvaro; Cossent Arín, Rafael; García González, Javier; Gómez San Román, Tomás; González Sotres, Luis Felipe; Largo Ángel, Oscar; Mastropietro, Paolo; Peral Cuadrado, José Félix; Rodilla Rodríguez, Pablo; Roiz Val, María; Temboury Molina, Juan; Trancho Tejerina, Nuria; Zumalave Freire, Ignacio (27/03/2019)
    • Wholesale and retail electricity markets 

      Alba Ríos, Juan José; Batlle López, Carlos; Canoyra Trabado, Antonio; Canseco García-Pita, Antonio; Carbó Haya, Álvaro; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Formozo Fernandes, Camila; García González, Javier; Gómez San Román, Tomás; González Sotres, Luis Felipe; Largo Ángel, Oscar; Mastropietro, Paolo; Moreno Martín, José Carlos; Peral Cuadrado, José Félix; Rodilla Rodríguez, Pablo; Roiz Val, María; Temboury Molina, Juan; Trancho Tejerina, Nuria; Zumalave Freire, Ignacio (02/02/2021)