Browsing by Author "C66AA673-64B5-496D-A826-71F97A3928F1"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
A long-term prospective for the Spanish electricity system
Fernandes, Camila; Frías Marín, Pablo; Olmos Camacho, Luis; Ramos Galán, Andrés; Gómez San Román, Tomás (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Madrid, España), 2010-06-23)The main objective of this paper is to present the preliminary results obtained within the SUSPLAN EU Project2, regarding the integration of increasing levels of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) into the future Spanish energy ... -
Adapting european market arrangements to facilitate the contribution of renewable generators to electricity balancing
Formozo Fernandes, Camila (2017)La generación renovable intermitente está desplazando cada vez más del despacho eléctrico diario a las centrales de generación convencional, que son los proveedores habituales de los servicios de balance. Como consecuencia, ... -
An approach to calibrate incentives for continuity of supply in the Spanish electricity distribution system
Fernandes, Camila; Candela Martínez, Antonio; Gómez San Román, Tomás (2012-01-01)This paper proposes an approach to calibrate incentives for continuity of supply in electricity distribution in Spain. This approach consists on the estimation of the impact of continuity of supply improvements on distribution ... -
Análisis del impacto económico de distintas soluciones tecnológicas para la integración masiva de generación renovable en el sistema eléctrico español en el horizonte 2020-2050
Fernandes, Camila; Malpica Morales, Antonio; Frías Marín, Pablo (22/06/2016)La integración a gran escala de generación renovable supone retos a la operación de los sistemas eléctricos. En este contexto, el proyecto europeo GridTech estudia soluciones innovadoras para la integración de generación ... -
Análisis del impacto en España de la generación renovable en el periodo 2020-2050
Fernandes, Camila; Frías Marín, Pablo (2011-03-01)El desafío energético impuesto por el cambio climático y la necesidad de garantizar el suministro de energía a todos los consumidores, añadidos a los objetivos de competitividad económica, se han concretado en una meta de ... -
Efficient strategies for the integration of renewable energy into future energy infrastructures in Europe - an analysis based on transnational modeling and case studies for nine European regions
Boie, Inga; Fernandes, Camila; Frías Marín, Pablo; Klobasa, Marian (2014-04-01)As a result of the current international climate change strategy, the European Commission has agreed on ambitious targets to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 80 until 2050 as compared to 1990 levels and to increase the ... -
Expanding interconnection capacity to integrate intermittent generation in the Iberian Peninsula
Fernandes, Camila; Frías Marín, Pablo; Olmos Camacho, Luis (2013-01-01)Increasing penetration of intermittent energy sources in power systems has been requiring higher operational flexibility and cross-border transmission capacity. Intermittent generation, especially wind and solar power, has ... -
Impact of intermittent generation on the expansion of the spanish power system interconnection capacity
Fernandes, Camila; Frías Marín, Pablo (Norwegian University of Science Technology (NTNU), IEEE PE Norway Chapter (Trondheim, Noruega), 2011-06-19)The expected massive penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) in Spain, added to its limited electricity interconnection capacity, will demand not only the introduction of flexible resources in the Spanish power system ... -
Impact of vehicle-to-grid on power system operation costs: the Spanish case study
Fernandes, Camila; Frías Marín, Pablo; Latorre Canteli, Jesús María (2012-08-01)Climate change, added to security of supply concerns, has been leading many countries to strongly support the development of electric vehicles (EVs) not only as a cleaner and more energy efficient source of transportation ... -
Participation of intermittent renewable generators in balancing mechanisms: a closer look into the Spanish market design
Fernandes, Camila; Frías Marín, Pablo; Reneses Guillén, Javier (2016-04-01)Renewable energy producers are increasingly displacing conventional generation units – traditional suppliers of balancing services – from the daily electricity dispatch. As a consequence, there is a growing need that ... -
The role of innovative grid-impacting technologies towards the development of the future pan-European system: the GridTech project
L' Abbate, Angelo; Calisti, Roberto; Zani, Alessandro; Auer, Hans; Koerbler, Guenther; Lettner, Georg; Frías Marín, Pablo; Olmos Camacho, Luis; Fernandes, Camila; Maidonis, Thomas; Vitiello, Silvia; Fulli, Gianluca; Schauer, Gerd; Sulakov, Stefan; et al., ? (CIGRE (París, Francia), 2014-08-24)For the achievement of the European Union’s ambitious renewable energy targets for 2020 and beyond, extensive electricity system planning and investments are necessary. This covers electricity generation capacity, transmission ... -
The Spanish intraday market design: a successful solution to balance renewable generation?
Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Fernandes, Camila (2015-02-01)The increasing penetration of renewable energy sources in Europe requires market mechanisms which allow an efficient balancing of these sources. This paper analyzes the participation of renewable generators in the Spanish ... -
Wholesale and retail electricity markets
Alba Ríos, Juan José; Batlle López, Carlos; Canoyra Trabado, Antonio; Canseco García-Pita, Antonio; Carbó Haya, Álvaro; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Formozo Fernandes, Camila; García González, Javier; Gómez San Román, Tomás; González Sotres, Luis Felipe; Largo Ángel, Oscar; Mastropietro, Paolo; Pascual López, Carlos; Peral Cuadrado, José Félix; Rodilla Rodríguez, Pablo; Roiz Val, María; Temboury Molina, Juan; Trancho Tejerina, Nuria; Zumalave Freire, Ignacio (24/04/2020) -
Wholesale and retail electricity markets
Alba Ríos, Juan José; Batlle López, Carlos; Canoyra Trabado, Antonio; Canseco García-Pita, Antonio; Carbó Haya, Álvaro; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Formozo Fernandes, Camila; García González, Javier; Gómez San Román, Tomás; González Sotres, Luis Felipe; Largo Ángel, Oscar; Mastropietro, Paolo; Moreno Martín, José Carlos; Peral Cuadrado, José Félix; Rodilla Rodríguez, Pablo; Roiz Val, María; Temboury Molina, Juan; Trancho Tejerina, Nuria; Zumalave Freire, Ignacio (02/02/2021)