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dc.contributor.authorRueda Zaldívar, Elenaes-ES
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Pontificia Comillas,es_ES
dc.descriptionEl empleo de CO2 en condiciones supercríticas en un ciclo Brayton permite alcanzar buenos rendimientos con temperatura de entrada en turbina entre 300 y 500ºC debido a la reducción del consumo del compresor al tener su aspiración cerca del punto crítico. El proyecto propuesto pretende analizar la viabilidad técnica y económica de los ciclos supercríticos de CO2 como sustitutos del ciclo de vapor de un ciclo combinado. Resulta de especial interés la aplicación no sólo a centrales comerciales (200 a 400 MWe) sino a microturbinas de gas, con objeto de analizar su mejora de rentabilidad. El proyecto incluye la propuesta de diferentes configuraciones, así como el dimensionado de los intercambiadores de calor y las tuberías. Se empleará el software EES para el modelado del ciclo. Se pueden encontrar más detalles sobre estas aplicaciones del ciclo de CO2 en:
dc.description.abstractThe present work analyzes the technical and economic viability of the supercritical CO2 cycles as substitutes of the steam cycle of a combined cycle. Its application as a waste heat recovery system is interesting not only in commercial power plants (200 to 400 MWe) but in gas microturbines, in order to analyze its profitability improvement. The first part of the project consists in the study of the parameters of the gas Brayton cycle (head cycle) to determine the entry conditions of the supercritical CO2 cycle (sCO2). After comparing different cases of secondary cycles applied to the gas cycle with microturbine, the most interesting alternative was considered. The study continues with the modeling of the simple Brayton with Industrial Gas Turbine (sT) and Central Turbine. of Combined Cycle (ccT). Of all the cases analyzed, one of the confirmations has been selected as the object of study. The project continues with the dimensioning of the exchangers and pipes of the cycle. Finally, an economic assessment of the combined cycle and a sensitivity analysis with different scenarios of natural gas prices and CO2 emission costs have been carried out and alternatives have been proposed to optimize the profitability in future
dc.description.abstractThe present work analyzes the technical and economic viability of the supercritical CO2 cycles as substitutes of the steam cycle of a combined cycle. Its application as a waste heat recovery system is interesting not only in commercial power plants (200 to 400 MWe) but in gas microturbines, in order to analyze its profitability improvement. The first part of the project consists of the study of the parameters of the gas Brayton cycle (head cycle) to determine the entry conditions of the supercritical CO2 cycle (sCO2). After comparing different cases of secondary cycles applied to the gas cycle with microturbine, the most interesting alternative was considered. The study continues with the modeling of the simple Brayton with Industrial Gas Turbine (sT) and Central Turbine. of Combined Cycle (ccT). Of all the cases analyzed, one of the confirmations has been selected as the object of study. The project continues with the dimensioning of the exchangers and pipes of the cycle. Finally, an economic assessment of the combined cycle and a sensitivity analysis with different scenarios of natural gas prices and CO2 emission costs have been carried out and alternatives have been proposed to optimize the profitability in future studies.en-GB
dc.subject.otherMII-M (H62-mecanica)es_ES
dc.titleAnálisis técnico-económico de la sustitución del ciclo de vapor por uno de CO2 supercrítico en configuraciones de ciclo combinado.es_ES
dc.keywordsCiclo combinado, CO2 supercrítico, Cascada, PCHEes-ES
dc.keywordsCombined cycle, supercritical CO2, Cascade, PCHEen-GB

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