Blockchain technology application to energy communities
El sector eléctrico está experimentando grandes cambios en la última década. El calentamiento global está fomentando la introducción de energía renovable, se está experimentando un aumento de la electrificación y de la digitalización de los sistemas, los consumidores se están volviendo más activos y los servicios de electricidad se están introduciendo a un nivel distribuido. Además, la actitud de los consumidores se está orientando hacia un mayor interés en los servicios que en los productos y la economía colaborativa está en su mayor esplendor. Paralelamente a este escenario, Blockchain, la tecnología subyacente detrás de Bitcoin y todas las demás criptomonedas, aparece con el objetivo de transformar todo negocio basado en transacciones digitales.
Blockchain permite la garantía de la unicidad de un activo digital sin la necesidad de un tercero de confianza. En su lugar, un sistema basado en incentivos económicos integrados en la propia tecnología alienta a un grupo de participantes desconocidos a dedicar recursos para garantizar la no duplicidad de los bienes digitales.
Esta tesis ha desarrollado una plataforma Blockchain que mide los flujos de energía y ejecuta las transacciones económicas en tiempo real de una comunidad energética local, formación que agrupa a los consumidores activos que participan en la autogeneración compartida.
Esta plataforma optimiza las dimensiones de las tecnologías de generación a instalar, permite a los participantes invertir en esas tecnologías comprando tokens virtuales, lo cual aumenta su liquidez. Mantiene un registro inmutable de las medidas que provienen de los medidores inteligentes y las traduce en transacciones económicas.
Gracias a esta plataforma, los usuarios pueden ser más conscientes y participativos de los recursos energéticos de su comunidad de forma transparente y confiable, pueden invertir en energía renovable de una manera más simple y pueden contribuir social y económicamente a la transición energética hacia un planeta más limpio. The electricity sector is undergoing big changes in the last decade. Global warming is fostering the introduction of renewable energy, there is being an increase of the overall demand, digitalization is increasing, consumers are becoming more active and electricity services are being introduced at a distributed level. In addition, consumers’ attitude is shaping towards a higher interest in services than in products and the sharing economy is at its greatest splendor. Parallel to this scenario, Blockchain, the underlying technology behind Bitcoin and every other cryptocurrency appears with the aim of disrupting digital transactions based businesses.
Blockchain allows the guarantee of the uniqueness of a digital asset without the need of a trusted third party. In its place, a system based on economic incentives embedded in the technology encourages a pool of unknown participants to dedicate resources to ensure the non-duplicity of digital assets.
This thesis has developed a Blockchain platform that measures the energy flows and executes the economic transactions in real time of a local energy community, formation that groups active consumers that participate in shared self-generation.
This platform optimizes the dimensions of the generation technologies to be installed, it enables participants to invest in those technologies by buying digital tokens that can be exchanged or sold at any time, rising their liquidity. It keeps an immutable record of the measurements coming from smart meters and it couples them to economic transactions that are as well automatically executed between members.
Thanks to this platform, users can become more aware and participative in electricity services inside their community in a transparent and trustworthy way, they can invest in renewable energy in a simpler manner and they can socially and economically contribute to the energy transition towards a cleaner planet.
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Blockchain technology application to energy communitiesTitulación / Programa
Blockchain, the underlying technology behind Bitcoin and every other cryptocurrency, has shown the potential to disrupt every transactional industry. In this context, this project aims to explore the potential of blockchain technologies for the electricity sector. The student who develops this thesis will acquire a deep understanding of blockchain technology, explore possible applications for the electricity sector, identify current projects and initiatives, as well as current barriers for the implementation of blockchain on electricity sector. The student will propose promising applications that could be implemented in the Spanish or European electricity systems and identify possible technical, regulatory, or market roadblocks. Finally, the development of an innovative prototype or proof-of-concept that leverages blockchain technology in the electricity context could be a desirable outcome of the Project.Materias/ categorías / ODS
MII-N (H62-electronica)Palabras Clave
Blockchain, comunidad energética, auto-consumo compartido, tokenización de energía, transacciones P2PBlockchain, energy community, shared self-consumption, energy tokenization, P2P transactions