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dc.contributor.authorDelgado Navarro, Alfonsoes-ES
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Pontificia Comillas,es_ES
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this project is to design, develop, and prototype a stroller add on device that will allow the user to use the natural motion of the arms while running. The device needs to be adaptable to most strollers and adjustable for different users. The following task will be performed during the spring and summer semester. ? Design. Concept ideas will be designed in Solidworks. The Solidworks model will include parts, assembly, and motion to test the functionality of the design. ? Analysis. A structural analysis will be performed to ensure the design is strong enough to support the loads while user is running. ? Prototyping. After selecting the final concept, the prototype will be built using 3D printing technology and off the shelf parts. ? Testing. The prototype will be tested using different strollers, different genders, and users with different anatomy to test adjustability of the design. Adjustments will be made on this stage if needed to make sure the mechanism embrace the flow of body’s natural running and walking movements. ? Cost and market analysis. A research will be done to study the need for this device and the cost and market.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl motivo principal que me ha impulsado a realizar este proyecto ha sido el de poder combinar los conocimientos de ingeniería, adquiridos durante toda mi carrera académica, con los conocimientos de negocio, obtenidos durante este último año en Estados Unidos. El proyecto surge principalmente por la idea de una estudiante de fisioterapia, que después de haber realizado un estudio de la biomecánica del cuerpo humano, se dio cuenta de que existía un grave problema en la técnica de carrera de los usuarios que salían a correr con carritos de bebes. Como conclusión de este proyecto, se puede decir que nuestro diseño cumple perfectamente con los diferentes requisitos que los clientes potenciales habían indicado en las entrevistas. Por otra parte, cabe destacar que el peso es uno de los principales problemas que presenta nuestro diseño, ya que prácticamente pesa lo mismo que el propio carrito. Todo esto, hace que el sistema llegue a ser inestable. Una solución rápida, podría ser añadir un cierto peso en la parte del carrito, que consiga eliminar dicho desequilibrio. Pero, por otra parte, esta medida, haría que aumentara la fuerza de empuje que el usuario tendría que realizar, incrementando el nivel de tensiones internas en nuestro mecanismo. Por lo tanto, se puede decir que, de cara a futuro se debería de trabajar más en la parte de la optimización de material, ya sea consiguiendo materiales más ligeros capaces de resistir dichas tensiones, o usando por ejemplo optimización topológica, para reducir la cantidad de material
dc.description.abstractThe main reason that has driven me to carry out this project has been to be able to combine the knowledge of engineering, acquired during my academic career, with the business knowledge obtained during this last year in the United States. The project arises mainly by the idea of a student of physiotherapy, who after having made a study of the biomechanics of the human body, realized that there was a serious problem in the run technique of users who went out with strollers. As a conclusion to this project, it can be said that our design perfectly meets the different requirements that potential clients had indicated in the interviews. On the other hand, it should be noted that weight is one of the main problems that our design presents, since it practically weighs the same as the stroller itself. All this causes the system to become unstable. A quick solution could be to add a certain weight in the part of the stroller that manages to eliminate this imbalance. But, on the other hand, this measure would increase the pushing force that the user would have to perform, increasing the level of internal stresses in our mechanism. Therefore, it can be said that, in the future, more work should be done on the part of material optimization, either by obtaining lighter materials capable of resisting said stresses, or using for example topological optimization, to reduce the amount of existing material.en-GB
dc.subject.otherMII-M (H62-mecanica)es_ES
dc.titleErgonomic adaptable stroller add-on mechanism for runninges_ES
dc.keywordsDiseño carrito de bebe, Business Model Canvas, Análisis Económico, Análisis de tensioneses-ES
dc.keywordsStroller, Business Model Canvas, Economic Analysis, Force Analysisen-GB

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