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dc.contributor.authorGonzález Hernández, José Maríaes-ES
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Pontificia Comillas,es_ES
dc.descriptionOff-shore wind energy: evolution and presence in Europe focusing on the UK. Most advanced wind turbine technologies and it’s different foundation types. Main wind energy developers and the market attractiveness for the upcoming years. UK’s Electricity Market Reform and Contracts for Difference (CfDs), how they work, and why LCOE of this technology has become competitive. Assessment of a real project in the UK: “Hornsea Project Two”. Technical aspects of the wind farm will be analysed as well as its economic performance including a business plan under different scenarios.es_ES
dc.description.abstractDescripción de la energía eólica marina: evolución y presencia en Europa centrada en el Reino Unido. Los parques eólicos offshore, los principales desarrolladores, el ducto comercial previsto y el atractivo del mercado para los próximos años. Contratos por diferencia (CfD) cómo funcionan y por qué LCOE de esta tecnología se ha vuelto competitivo. Evaluación de un proyecto real en el Reino Unido: "Hornsea Project Two". Se analizarán los aspectos técnicos del parque eólico y su desempeño económico, incluido un plan de negocios bajo diferentes
dc.description.abstractOff-shore wind energy description: evolution and presence in Europe focusing on the UK. Off-shore wind farms, main developers, expected commercial pipeline and market attractiveness for the upcoming years. Contracts for difference (CfDs) how they work and why LCOE of this technology has become competitive. Assessment of a real project in the UK: “Hornsea Project Two”. Technical aspects of the wind farm will be analysed as well as its economic performance including a business plan under different scenarios.en-GB
dc.subject.otherMII-O (H62-organizacion)es_ES
dc.titleTechno-Economical feasibility analysis of an off-shore wind farm in the UKes_ES
dc.keywordsEnergía, eólica marina, análisis, tecno-económico, modelo, negocio, Reino Unido, Europa, Marco regulatorio, Electricidad, Tarifa, empresas, viento, tecnologías, inversión, infraestructura, desarrolloes-ES
dc.keywordsEnergy, offshore wind, analysis, techno-economic, model, business, UK, Europe, regulatory framework, Electricity, tariff, companies, wind, technologies, investment, infrastructure, developmenten-GB

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