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dc.contributor.authorMarín, Pedro Jesuses-ES
dc.contributor.authorHazell, Tom Jes-ES
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Gutiérrez, María Teresaes-ES
dc.contributor.authorCochrane, Darril Jes-ES
dc.descriptionArtículos en revistases_ES
dc.description.abstractLa aplicación de vibración aguda unilateral sobre la pierna aumenta el rendimiento neuromuscular contralaterales-ES
dc.description.abstractObjectives: To examine the post-exercise cross-transfer effects of acute whole body vibration (WBV). Methods: Seventeen healthy male volunteers (20.8±1.2 y) performed three unilateral vibration conditions in a randomized order: 1) WBV-50 Hz [high amplitude]; 2) WBV-30 Hz [low amplitude]; and 3) a control no WBV condition (Sham) applied to the dominant leg. Each condition involved maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVC) followed by three leg press explosive repetitions (40% MVC) with non-dominant and dominant legs; which were conducted prior to and post vibration (immediately; 2 min and 5 min). Surface electromygraphy (sEMG) of the vastus lateralis (VL) and medial gastrocnemius (MG) were measured throughout each condition. Results:A condition x leg x time interaction effect was detected (p=0.001) where 50 Hz-High in the stimulated leg enhanced mean velocity at post-2 min compared to 30 Hz-Low and Sham, remaining elevated at post-5 min. Similarly, 50 Hz-High in the non-stimulated leg increased mean velocity at post-immediately and post-2 min compared to 30 Hz-Low and Sham. There were no changes in sEMG of VL and GM in the stimulated and non-stimulated post-conditions. Conclusion:WBV (50 Hz) can augment cross-transfer in neuromuscular performance. WBV could provide an alternate method of unilateral training to promote cross education explosive strength.en-GB
dc.sourceRevista: Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, Periodo: 1, Volumen: 14, Número: 1, Página inicial: 58, Página final: 67es_ES
dc.titleAcute unilateral leg vibration exercise improves contralateral neuromuscular performancees_ES
dc.rights.holderBúsqueda del interesadoes_ES
dc.keywordsVibración sinusoidal, Electromiográfico, Potencia, Ejercicio Vibratorio, Cross-educationes-ES
dc.keywordsSinusoidal Vibration, Electromyography, Power, Vibration Exercise, Cross-educationen-GB

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