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dc.contributor.advisorLlera Cantero, Luis
dc.contributor.authorDelgado Galán, Arturo
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Pontificia Comillas, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Socialeses_ES
dc.descriptionMáster Universitario de Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachilleratoes_ES
dc.description.abstract"Discipline that studies and exposes, according to certain principles and methods, the events and facts that belong to the past and that constitute the development of humanity from its origins to the present moment" (RAE, 2018). This simple definition taken from the dictionary of the Real Academy of the Spanish Language allows us to put in context what the objective of the historical study is and what it consists of. Throughout the history of humanity the knowledge of the past has been the object of study by many people and institutions linked to the different civilizations that shaped our world. From my point of view, as a historian, I could summarize my opinion with the following statement:” The study of history and the events that took place in it gives us the necessary basis to understand many of the events that take place today in the world in which we live”. The study of history must be carried out in accordance with other disciplines such as philosophy, geography, art history or economics. As an example, we cannot study the French revolution as an isolated fact of dates and events, but our aim will be to understand why a very large part of French society decided to break the grips of the old regime. For this we will use other auxiliary disciplines such as geography, the prevailing economic model at the time, philosophy, since the French revolution could not be understood without understanding illustrated thought, etc. In this way, and ending with this brief introduction of which will be the lines that will mark the way of teaching and understanding this beautiful subject, I can say that the fundamental objective of this course, 4th of ESO, will be to study our contemporary history. We will cover the different topics ranging from the Ancient Regime and the Illustration to practically the present day. Specifically my two didactic units will keep a complete and absolute relation between them, since they will go from the inter-war period, Unit 6, to the antecedents of the Second World War, Unit 7, where the political, the economic and the geographical are intermixed in order to allow our students to understand one of the most important aspects that will mark the future of our present history, the totalitarian regimes of the 1920s. In the same way we will link this subject that could have a European perspective, with one of the most important events that will take place in the closest past of the history of our country, the Second Republic and the Spanish Civil War. Very polemic subjects and that have a total link with many of the events that take place today, so that the constant past-future axis will be one of the fundamental lines that we will keep as a teaching method. Without fear but knowing which are the topics to be dealt with, we will integrate different forms of evaluation and learning out of the traditional framework, leading our students to a critical reflection, research and dealing with primary sources, aspects that I consider basic in the teaching of this discipline.es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subject58 Pedagogíaes_ES
dc.subject5802 Organización y planificación de la educaciónes_ES
dc.subject580203 Desarrollo de asignaturases_ES
dc.titleProgramación didáctica asignatura : Geografía e Historia Curso 4º. Educación Secundaria Obligatoriaes_ES

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