Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Large-scale transmission expansion planning: from zonal results to a nodal expansion plan 

      Lumbreras Sancho, Sara; Ramos Galán, Andrés; Báñez Chicharro, Fernando; Olmos Camacho, Luis; Panciatici, Patrick; Pache, Camille; Maeght, Jean (2017-08-01)
      Performing optimal Transmission Expansion Planning (TEP) in real, large-scale power systems such as the European one can be an unmanageable task, especially when long-term time scopes and multiple scenarios are considered. ...
    • Snapshot selection based on statistical clustering for transmission expansion planning 

      Agapoff, Sergei; Pache, Camille; Panciatici, Patrick; Warland, Leif; Lumbreras Sancho, Sara (Eindhoven University of Technology (Eindhoven, España), 29/06/2015)
      Transmission Expansion Planning (TEP) is usually performed on a few operating situations or snapshots. In order to get a representative set of snapshots, it is necessary to select them carefully. We propose a clustering ...