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dc.contributor.authorMagallón Pedrera, Isabeles-ES
dc.contributor.authorPérez Altozano, Javieres-ES
dc.contributor.authorVirizuela Echamburu, Juan Antonioes-ES
dc.contributor.authorBeato Zambrano, Carmenes-ES
dc.contributor.authorBorrega García, Pabloes-ES
dc.contributor.authorde la Torre Montero, Julio Césares-ES
dc.descriptionArtículos en revistases_ES
dc.description.abstractGuia de Recomendaciones en Acceso Venoso para pacientes con cáncer de la SEOM, SEEO y
dc.description.abstractAbstract Purpose Cancer patients require implantation of venous access devices to meet their personalized therapeutic needs, which are often complex due to the nature of the medication and the disease status. Therefore, it is essential to have standardized protocols that guarantee the best results in health and patient safety. Methods To learn about the availability of protocols and aspects related to safety in clinical practice and to detect possible opportunities for improvement, a survey has been conducted in various Spanish hospitals, in addition to a review of the evidence regarding the various devices available and complications associated with the administration of chemotherapy. Results As a result of both analyses, the Foundation for Excellence and Quality in Oncology (ECO), the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), and the Spanish Society of Oncology Nursing (SEEO) have developed a catheter selection algorithm based on patient characteristics and treatment to facilitate the clinical decision-making process, as well as some recommendations aimed at ensuring patient safety and rational use of available resources. Conclusions In conclusion, both the venous access catheter selection algorithm and the proposed recommendations aim to respond to the needs revealed in clinical practice and to become an integrable tool in electronic prescription systems to offer homogeneous criteria for action in cancer patients that require venous access, optimizing the use of available health resources with the highest safety and quality of life for the patient.en-GB
dc.rightsCreative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada Españaes_ES
dc.sourceRevista: Clinical and Translational Oncology, Periodo: 1, Volumen: 22, Número: 11, Página inicial: 2049, Página final: 12060es_ES
dc.subject.otherBienestar, salud y sociedades_ES
dc.titleECO-SEOM-SEEO safety recommendations guideline for cancer patients receiving intravenous therapyes_ES
dc.keywordsSeguridad, paciente oncológico, algoritmo de decisión, acceso venoso, recomendaciones basadas en la evidenciaes-ES
dc.keywordsCancer therapy · Safety · Venous access · Decision algorithm · Evidence-based recommendations · Clinical practice surveyen-GB

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