• Impact of gas third party access in the unit commitment optimal solution 

      de Otaola Arca, Pedro; García González, Javier; Mariño Lizuain, Fernando Eduardo; Rivera Menéndez, Ignacio (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society; Politecnico di Milano (Milán, Italia), 2019-06-23)
      The importance of the natural gas sector in the electric power industry has increased substantially over the last decades, reaching 21 generation capacity in Europe in 2016. Generation companies that own gas fired units ...
    • Impact of gas third party access in the unit commitment optimal solution 

      de Otaola Arca, Pedro; García González, Javier; Mariño Lizuain, Fernando Eduardo; Rivera Menéndez, Ignacio
      The importance of the natural gas sector in the electric power industry has increased substantially over the last decades, reaching 21 generation capacity in Europe in 2016. Generation companies that own gas fired units ...
    • Introduction of regulatory criteria in the self-UC model 

      de Otaola Arca, Pedro; García González, Javier
      In liberalized markets, agents are expected to maximize their profits. Such behavior does not require additional considerations if it occurs in an environment of perfect competition. However, there may be dominant players ...
    • Modeling of third party access tariffs and portfolio gas purchases of CCGTs in the self-unit commitment problem 

      de Otaola Arca, Pedro; García González, Javier; Mariño Lizuain, Fernando Eduardo; Rivera Menéndez, Ignacio (2021-07-01)
      The structure of the operational costs of gas fired units (GFU) in real power systems is much more complex than what standard unit-commitment (UC) models consider in the state-of-the-art formulations. On the one hand, when ...
    • Modeling of third party access tariffs and portfolio gas purchases of CCGTs in the self-unit commitment problem 

      de Otaola Arca, Pedro; García González, Javier; Mariño Lizuain, Fernando Eduardo; Rivera Menéndez, Ignacio
      The structure of the operation costs of gas fired units (GFU) in real power systems is much more complex than what standard unit-commitment (UC) models consider in the state-of-the-art formulations. On the one hand, when ...
    • Optimal discretization of net head dependency in heterogeneous multi-reservoir hydroelectric systems 

      Candela Ripoll, Ignacio; de Otaola Arca, Pedro; García González, Javier; Rivero Honegger, Carlos; Mariño Lizuain, Fernando Eduardo (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society; Universidad Pontificia C (Madrid, España), 2021-07-29)
      Modeling the net head dependency of hydro power plants constitutes a serious challenge from the optimization point of view. One possible approach is to pre-establish a discrete set of representative net heads and to formulate ...
    • Optimal discretization of net head dependency in heterogeneous multi-reservoir hydroelectric systems 

      Candela Ripoll, Ignacio; de Otaola Arca, Pedro; García González, Javier; Rivero Honegger, Carlos; Mariño Lizuain, Fernando Eduardo
      Modeling the net head dependency of hydro power plants constitutes a serious challenge from the optimization point of view. One possible approach is to pre-establish a discrete set of representative net heads and to formulate ...
    • Optimal self-unit commitment with shared asset ownership under realistic taxation in the current decarbonization framework 

      de Otaola Arca, Pedro; García González, Javier; Linares Llamas, Pedro (2024-02-01)
      Energy, greenhouse gas emissions, or water taxes, are present in many power systems as available instruments to implement energy, environmental or climate policies. The goal of these taxes is to change producers’ optimal ...