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dc.contributor.authorSoldani, Xavieres-ES
dc.contributor.authorMolinari, Alaines-ES
dc.contributor.authorMiguélez, María Henares-ES
dc.descriptionArtículos en revistases_ES
dc.description.abstractThe phenomenon of adiabatic shear banding is analyzed theoretically in the context of metal cutting. The mechanisms of material weakening that are accounted for are (i) thermal softening and (ii) material failure related to a critical value of the accumulated plastic strain. Orthogonal cutting is viewed as a unique configuration where adiabatic shear bands can be experimentally produced under well controlled loading conditions by individually tuning the cutting speed, the feed (uncut chip thickness) and the tool geometry. The role of cutting conditions on adiabatic shear banding and chip serration is investigated by combining finite element calculations and analytical modeling. This leads to the characterization and classification of different regimes of shear banding and the determination of scaling laws which involve dimensionless parameters representative of thermal and inertia effects. The analysis gives new insights into the physical aspects of plastic flow instability in chip formation. The originality with respect to classical works on adiabatic shear banding stems from the various facets of cutting conditions that influence shear banding and from the specific role exercised by convective flow on the evolution of shear bands. Shear bands are generated at the tool tip and propagate towards the chip free surface. They grow within the chip formation region while being convected away by chip flow. It is shown that important changes in the mechanism of shear banding take place when the characteristic time of shear band propagation becomes equal to a characteristic convection time. Application to Ti–6Al–4V titanium are considered and theoretical predictions are compared to available experimental data in a wide range of cutting speeds and feeds. The fundamental knowledge developed in this work is thought to be useful not only for the understanding of metal cutting processes but also, by analogy, to similar problems where convective flow is also interfering with adiabatic shear banding as in impact mechanics and perforation processes. In that perspective, cutting speeds higher than those usually encountered in machining operations have been also explored.en-GB
dc.rightsCreative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada Españaes_ES
dc.sourceRevista: Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Periodo: 1, Volumen: 61, Número: 11, Página inicial: 2331, Página final: 2359es_ES
dc.titleAdiabatic shear banding and scaling laws in chip formation with application to cutting of Ti–6Al–4Ves_ES
dc.keywordsAdiabatic shear banding, Metal cutting, Numerical and analytical modeling,Scaling laws, Convective effectsen-GB

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