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dc.contributor.authorGil Nievas, Rafaeles-ES
dc.contributor.authorHorcajo, Javieres-ES
dc.contributor.authorNájera Álvarez, Pabloes-ES
dc.contributor.authorSorrel Luján, Miguel Ángeles-ES
dc.descriptionArtículos en revistases_ES
dc.description.abstractThe Personal Need for Structure (PNS) scale assesses individuals’ tendency to seek out clarity and structured ways of understanding and interacting with their environment. The main aim of this study was to adapt the PNS scale to Spanish and assess its psychometric properties. There are two versions of the PNS scale being used, which vary in the number of dimensions (1 vs. 2), and in the number of items (12 vs. 11; because one version excludes Item 5). Therefore, an additional aim of this study was to compare the two existing versions of the PNS scale. This comparison aimed to address the debate regarding the inclusion of Item 5, and the number of dimensions that comprise the PNS scale. A sample of 735 individuals was collected. First, through an approach combining exploratory and confirmatory analyses, evidence was found in favor of the scale being composed of two related but distinguishable factors: Desire for Structure and Response to the Lack of Structure. Scores on these subscales showed acceptable internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Evidence supporting the invariance of the internal structure across sociodemographic variables such as gender and age was found. Validity evidence was also analyzed by examining the relationships with other relevant measures. The results indicated that Item 5 can be excluded without reducing scores validity or reliability, which supports preceding research in the literature. In conclusion, the PNS scale was satisfactorily adapted to and validated in Spanish and its use in this context is recommended.en-GB
dc.sourceRevista: The Spanish Journal of Psychology, Periodo: 1, Volumen: 27, Número: e22, Página inicial: 1, Página final: 11es_ES
dc.titleNavigating Ambiguity: Adapting and Validating the Personal Need for Structure Scale in Spanishes_ES
dc.rights.holderpolítica editoriales_ES
dc.keywords: factor analysis; personal need for structure; reliability; validityen-GB

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