Social Catholic Thought and the Economy of Communion as business model
Cómo la tradición de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia puede contribuir a iluminar la empresa y la gestión en el siglo XXI. El Pensamiento Social Cristiano puede iluminar la propuesta de un modelo de empresa alineado con la llamada Economía de Comunión. This communication's proposal connects with one of the issues explicitly proposed for the organizers as a possible topic to be addressed in the Conference: "How might religious faith traditions -in this case, catholic Christianity- better inform and guide entrepreneurship in the 21 st. century?"
In the complex and various ecosystem that the New Economy offers for entrepreneurship, we think that Social Catholic tradition has something of some interest to offer as a proposal of business model, i.e., the so called Economy of Communion.
Social Catholic Thought and the Economy of Communion as business model
Palabras Clave
Economía de Comunión, Espiritualidad, Pensamiento Social Cristiano, Nuevos Modelos de EmpresaEconomy of Communion, Spitrituality, Christian Social Thought, New Business Models